fuel efficiency, however, is not free.... Any truly cost-effective
increase in fuel efficiency would already have been made.
Council of Economic Advisers Chairman N. Gregory Mankiw, 2007
Gregory Mankiw is the mirror image of Amory
Lovins, the protagonist of the preceding chapter. Lovins knows that
every energy measure we could possibly need will save more than it
costs. Mankiw knows that all such measures will cost more than they
save. Mankiw served as George W. Bush’s Chairman of the Council
of Economic Advisers from 2003 until 2005 and is well respected
within the economics profession.
The Mankiw-Lovins bipolarity highlights an important split in
energy-policy circles. On one side, we find Mankiw and other
“neoclassical” economists. They oppose not only
fuel-economy standards, but all energy-efficiency standards and
energy-efficient building codes. That is, they oppose all measures
favored by members of the “physics camp,” as I called
them in the last chapter.
On the other side of the split, the physics camp is less strident.
Although they tend to believe efficiency standards are all we really
need, they rarely take a strong stand against the policies favored by
the neoclassicals.
The neoclassicals, being economists, favor policies which change the
price of energy. They call this “sending a price signal”
to the market. They favor sending the price signal by taxing fossil
fuel. That would, of course, raise its price. But since taxes are
unpopular they’ve come up with a stealth tax, which will not be
recognized so easily. The stealth tax is called a “cap and
trade” policy, and six or seven of these have now been proposed
to Congress. Like a tax, a cap-and-trade policy raises the price of
fuel or electricity. It “sends a price signal,” which
pleases the neoclassicals.
The physics camp tends not to like either taxes or stealth taxes,
both of which they see as unpopular because they are clearly costly,
not cheaper then free. Instead they prefer to mandate more efficiency
with a standard, which they have pre-calculated will save more than
it costs. While working at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, I
helped make these pre-calculations for national appliance standards.
So where do “free lunches” fit into this controversy? “A
free lunch” is what the neoclassicals call any policy that
provides a benefit that is greater than its cost. The term is
descriptive but it also conjures up the slogan “there’s
no such thing as a free lunch,” which helps them win their
In summary, the neoclassicals say: the physics camp claims all its
proposals are free lunches, but there’s no such thing. We need
taxes. The physics camp says: call them free lunches if you like, but
there are a lot of ways to save money and energy at the same time—who
needs taxes?
Energy-Policy War
The neoclassicals dismiss the efficiency programs of the physics camp
even more vehemently than the “free-lunch” label
suggests. If efficiency programs are not free lunches, then there is
a net cost to the energy efficiency gains the programs provide. But
there is also a net cost to the efficiency gains from the
neoclassicals’ taxes, so why is one better than the other?
The neoclassical answer is that efficiency gains from government
standards are always more costly than efficiency gains selected by
the market. The neoclassicals propose sending a price signal to the
market and letting the market choose how to improve efficiency.
Since, by assumption, markets always do better, the physicist
proposals are always worse.
Because the neoclassicals see taxes as a more market-based approach
and markets as better than government, they actively oppose all
efficiency standards. Under the administration of George W. Bush, the
neoclassicals helped to derail appliance-efficiency and fuel-economy
standards—government-run, free-lunch programs all.
Some neoclassicals are a bit less hostile to efficiency standards.
William Nordhaus, a Yale economist who has probably spent more time
studying energy and climate-change policy than any other economist,
simply calls the policies favored by physicists “fluff.”
Lovins, from the physics camp, is well aware of the neoclassicals’
view and enjoys talking about putting “several trillion dollars
back in Americans’ pockets” and then saying, “That’s
not a free lunch. It’s a lunch you’re paid to eat.”
Mainly, the physics camp spends its time defending its position
rather than attacking the neoclassical position. But since the times
when a Democratic Congress attacked President Gerald Ford’s
$2-per-barrel tax on imported oil, the physics camp, by constantly
downplaying the importance of energy prices, has lent support to
those who oppose strengthening price signals. Many in the physics
camp believe in so many free lunches that they think price matters
very little.
I am particularly interested in this policy war, because I believe
one key to recovering from oil addiction and reducing carbon dioxide
emissions is a fuel-economy policy for cars and light trucks
(including SUVs), something the neoclassicals dismiss out of hand. At
the same time, I believe the neoclassicals are right that raising the
price of carbon is the most important step, though I favor doing so
with an Untax, not a tax. The policies of the two sides, in my
opinion, actually complement each other.
Measures Can Save Money
Economists are not all strict neoclassicals. Allow me to introduce
Stanford economist Kenneth J. Arrow. A winner of the Nobel Memorial
Prize in Economic Sciences, Arrow is one of the most respected of all
economists and is a central figure in the development of mathematical
neoclassical economics. In 2007, after the U.K. government issued a
major report estimating that the cost of climate stabilization would
be between 3.4 percent and negative 3.9 percent of the world’s
total gross national product (GNP), here’s how Arrow responded:
“Since energy-saving reduces energy costs, this last estimate
[negative 3.9 percents] is not as startling as it sounds.”
If Arrow thought a cost of negative 3.9 percent of GNP was
impossible, he would have called it startling. Instead, he said it
was not so startling. Arrow is saying that a cost estimate of
negative 3.9 percent of GNP just might be right. A negative cost
means a net savings. Since this concerns the global economy, he is
saying there just might be $3 trillion per year of free lunches from
energy-savings schemes.
In other words, according to Arrow, quite a few of the physicists’
favorite policies might save more than they cost. This opens a door
slammed shut by the neoclassicals’ extreme views, which are
based on an assumption of completely rational consumers. However,
it’s important to note that both Arrow and the author of the
report believe that total cost is more likely to be plus than minus.
That means they believe that, although some policies may save more
than they cost, it’s most likely the policies on average will
cost more than they save.
If it just might be possible to save a few trillion dollars per year
instead of paying a few trillion extra, it seems foolish not to even
try just because of some disputed economic theory (see
Suspect Theory ).
Taste of a Free Lunch
When Art Rosenfeld looked into refrigerator efficiency, he didn’t
need any fancy economic theory to tell him we were being charged way
too much for “lunch.” Art Rosenfeld is a real physicist.
He coauthored a text in nuclear physics with Enrico Fermi, who
developed the first nuclear reactor and who won the Nobel Prize in
physics in 1938. Rosenfeld also participated in the discovery of
subatomic particles with Luis Alvarez, who won the Nobel Prize in
1968. In 1973, at the start of the first energy crisis, Rosenfeld
noted that “if we Americans used energy as efficiently as do
the Europeans or Japanese, we would have been exporting oil in 1973.”
He’s been the country’s top energy-efficiency expert ever
By 1975, Rosenfeld was hard at work developing residential building
standards, and in 1976, he recommended an efficiency standard for
refrigerators and freezers to California’s governor, Jerry
Brown. That’s how appliance standards got started.
When Rosenfeld looked into refrigerator efficiency, he found a wide
range of efficiencies but no correlation at all between cost and
efficiency. It appeared that a lot of money could be saved on
electricity by buying an efficient refrigerator that didn’t
cost any more—but people weren’t doing that.
Before standards, manufacturers skimped and used fiberglass
insulation instead of rigid polyurethane. They made the walls thin to
get more room inside. With thin walls and poor insulation, the
outsides of the refrigerators got cold enough in spots to cause
condensation. To prevent this, some manufacturers installed heaters
in the outer walls of refrigerators! The heater uses energy and then
the refrigerator uses more energy to cool the heater.
Apparently, because consumers paid no attention to efficiency,
manufacturers saw no point in spending any money to make them
efficient. This was reflected in the history of refrigerators.
Between 1950 and 1974, energy use per refrigerator grew more than
twice as fast as refrigerator size. While the size of refrigerators
more than doubled, their energy use more than quadrupled.
But the high energy prices of the first energy crisis changed all
that. People starting thinking about saving energy, and that’s
difficult when you have no idea how much energy an appliance uses. So
in 1975, the federal government required energy-efficiency labels on
some appliances. In 1978, California imposed efficiency standards,
tightening them in 1981 and 1987. The federal government took over
the process and set even tighter standards in 1990 and again later.
As a result, by 2001, refrigerators used 69 percent less energy than
in 1974 even though they were 20 percent larger. Saving that much
electricity saves $127 per year. Meanwhile, the cost of a
refrigerator had dropped by half. If the extra efficiency had a cost
it could not have been much because by 2001, the average price was
only $850. Even if $400 of that was attributable to efficiency, which
is highly unlikely, it would have been repaid in three and a half
years by the reduced cost of electricity. For the next twelve or more
years of the fifteen or more years that a refrigerator will last, the
$127 per year of energy savings would be gravy. It looks like
refrigerator standards are a lunch we’re paid to eat.
New Car Buyers 100 Percent Rational?
I am skeptical that Mankiw read any studies (if they exist) proving
that car buyers are perfectly rational before he predicted in the New
York Times that “any truly cost-effective increase in fuel
efficiency would already have been made.” Neoclassicals usually
rely on their theory for these sorts of pronouncements.
Cars now come with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mileage
ratings, but these fall far short of telling consumers their total
future gas costs if they buy the car. Neoclassical economics assumes
consumers know this and much more. In particular neoclassical theory
assumes consumers will
Estimate the price of gasoline for
the next ten to fifteen years.
Estimate how many years they will
keep their cars.
Receive the full remaining value
of gas savings when they sell their cars.
Estimate how far they will drive
their cars each year before selling them.
Estimate how much their actual
mileage will deviate from the EPA ratings.
Discount future savings at a
percentage corresponding to either the interest rate on their credit
cards or the interest they earn on investments. (Even economists
find this one confusing.)
If consumers make all of these estimates without bias and purchase
their new car on this basis, Mankiw should be right. The conventional
wisdom on car purchases is, however, that consumers take account of
less than half of a cars’ future gasoline costs.
to Free Lunches
So it looks like the neoclassicals are wrong. Call them free lunches
if you like, but there are opportunities to save more on energy that
it costs to gain efficiency. And, at least in the case of
refrigerators, it looks like some of that opportunity was captured by
a government regulation—an efficiency standard for
But all this really shows is that the extreme neoclassical position
is wrong. Perhaps very few efficiency standards can save more than
they cost, or perhaps the opportunities are enormous. Either the
neoclassical view or the physics camp could be nearly correct.
Unfortunately, both sides are so sure they are right, that neither
side documents their case carefully. Even the case for refrigerator
standards is clear only because it is dramatic, not because it is
well documented.
Generally, claims that the programs will save more than they cost
omit four considerations, each of which can be quite important:
Inefficiencies. Neoclassicals assume perfectly
efficient markets. Physicists implicitly assume perfectly efficient
regulation. This bias is the result of omitting any cost for
regulatory mistakes, such as setting a standard incorrectly. I have
not found energy regulators to be any more rational than new car
The Take-Back
Effect. When an appliance is made more efficient it
often becomes cheaper and more convenient to use. Consequently people
use it more or buy a bigger one. This is a benefit to society and
actually makes efficiency programs more valuable than the physicists
claim. But it also means efficient appliances use more energy than
estimated. (See Take-back numbers .)
Some ways of gaining efficiency cost no money, but do cause
inconvenience. For example, making the walls of a refrigerator
thicker means it either takes more space in your kitchen or holds
less food. The cost of such inconvenience is nearly always ignored.
If I run my air conditioner 1000 hours per year, any improvement in
efficiency will be 100 times more valuable than if I run it 10 hours
per year. It does not make sense for a low-use appliance owner to buy
as much efficiency as a high-use owner. This means that even the best
efficiency standard is likely to be a waste of money for the low-use
owner. I have never seen this accounted for.
Although there are many imperfections in markets, that does not mean
there are many free lunches. There’s only a free lunch if the
problem can be fixed at a cost that is less than the savings. All
four of the considerations just discussed either raise the cost of
fixing the problem or reduce the benefit. Since they are generally
ignored, the claims of free lunches are frequently overstated.
Pricing vs. Efficiency Compromise
The physics camp wants many efficiency regulations and cares little
for price signals. Neoclassical economists want only price signals
and no efficiency regulations. The resolution of this conflict flows
from the first principle of fossil philosophy, as explained in
chapter 1: Treat the problem not the symptom.
The two camps focus on two different problems. The price of fossil
fuel is too low, so we need the neoclassical solution of higher price
signals. Consumers are short-sighted when evaluating future energy
savings, so some efficiency standards can help them save money. Many
if not most economists favor both approaches when each is used to
solve the matching problem.
This compromise rejects the extreme neoclassical position, but it
also requires two changes in the tendencies of the physics camp. It
requires taking fossil-fuel prices far more seriously and it requires
backing away from the notion that physicists know how to fix
literally hundreds of market imperfections while saving money.
I believe economists are right to be suspicious of large numbers of
“market-fixing” efficiency regulations. Their skepticism
is not based on an implausible assumption of consumer rationality,
but on the four realistic concerns listed above, which are
consistently ignored. Moreover the design of even major efficiency
standards is poor and fails to use modern economic tools. This has
resulted in such fiascoes as fuel economy standards that remained at
their initial 1975 setting for over thirty years, and that reward
designs that kill more people while using more fuel. I am referring
to the requirement that cars be aggressively redesigned so they can
be reclassified as trucks and qualify for a lower fuel efficiency.
It would accomplish far more to design the major standards well and
evaluate them carefully, rather than to charge ahead with hundreds of
smaller measures that ignore economic concerns. But the real
challenge for the physics camp is to accept the importance of price
and to realize that their entire campaign is at risk without the
proper price signals.
Having worked in the physics camp for years, I have heard many
excuses for ignoring the take-back problem, but have never actually
seen it taken into account. This is too bad because if the problem
were faced squarely, the natural conclusion would be that the
neoclassicals’ price signals do not substitute for efficiency
measures but rather are a necessary complement.
The physics camp’s excuses for ignoring take-back are all
short-term considerations, but think about the history of take-back.
Ordinary bulbs are 150 times more efficient than candles. But we
don’t uses 150 times less energy for light, we use more energy
than in colonial times. Scientists of the past have provided us with
enormous efficiency gains, but never enough to reverse our increasing
use of energy and fossil fuel.
So the physicists are taking a real gamble. Compact fluorescent bulbs
may save energy this year, but ten years from now, people may have
discovered they can afford to light their gardens at night as
brightly as the sun lights them in the daytime. And the less energy a
light uses the less it pays to switch it off. If history is a guide,
increasing wealth combined with the take-back effect will eventually
win out over the energy savings of increased efficiency.
There is a simple way out of this dilemma. Raise the price of
electricity, and refund the extra cost. This is again the Untax, and
exactly why this works will be explained in chapter 16, but here is
the outcome. The higher price of electricity reduces or reverses the
take-back effect. The price increase should not be tied to the
efficiency gain, but implementing the price signals of the economist
greatly reduce the risks of take-back inherent in the physics
The compromise then between the extreme neoclassical camp and the
physics camp is simple and positive. The most important efficiency
programs, especially fuel-economy standards, should be accepted and
perfected. Neoclassical economists should stop arguing against these
on the basis of untested theory.
The physics camp should recognize that there are real problems with
“fixing” markets and that blind faith in regulatory fixes
is no more appropriate than blind faith in markets. Physicists and
economists should join forces to make the big efficiency programs
work better, and on implementing better fossil-fuel prices. This will
help protect the energy efficiency gains from the energy-consuming
take-back effect.