is addicted to oil… The best way to break this addiction is
through technology … and we are on the threshold of incredible
W. Bush, January, 2006
Previous chapters discarded myths: that we will wreck the economy,
that peak oil will herald doom, and that miracles are imminent. Other
chapters explored why it is foolish to ignore climate change or shun
money-saving policies. Leaving these misconceptions behind, I will
now sketch a core national energy plan that is cautious yet powerful.
Part 3 of this book lays out details of the plan. But it may help to
have the sketch in mind while reading part 2, which explores
real-world examples of energy policies and failures. Part 4 shows how
the plan provides a base for the international agreements needed to
solve the global problems of climate and security.
A good design does not rely on incredible advances in technology.
Instead, a good design requires that a plan be
Simplicity helps prevent mistakes and gaming. I have learned this
repeatedly in my work diagnosing and adapting electricity markets. I
have also learned that this principle is seldom respected in
practice. But simplicity is still the right way to begin.
Asking for a bargain may seem superficial, but in fact, that is
exactly what economists mean when they call for “efficiency,”
their primary objective. The cost of saving a certain amount of oil
or carbon should be as low as possible.
A low-risk plan addresses three principal risks: excessive cost,
climate change, and the risk of oil shocks and oil wars. This
requires not betting heavily on just a few technologies and on having
built-in cost controls.
Unhealthy energy markets—ones that are inefficient and do not
reflect social costs—develop symptoms such as gas-guzzling
cars, too few wind turbines, and too many coal plants. The symptoms
are the ways energy is wasted. The underlying disease involves
“market failures”—basic problems with how the
market works. Treating the symptoms—for example, by subsidizing
ethanol—often causes unwanted side effects. And there are just
too many symptoms to treat them all one by one. A better approach is
to identify underlying causes—aspects of the market that are
broken—and treat those rather than the symptoms.
Amory Lovins, the lead optimist in the physics camp, sees market
barriers by the dozen and urges us to “clear them,” “bust
them,” and “vault over them.” Market “barriers,”
or “failures” as economists call them, are broken aspects
of markets, such as landlords who buy appliances for tenants but do
not pay their electric bills and so buy inefficient appliances. I
believe most economists are open to the idea that many little things
go wrong with markets, but they view such problems with caution.
Having seen many proposed and actual market “fixes,”
economists tend to shy away from jumping on the fix-it bandwagon.
Market fixes usually come with their own problems, and for minor
market barriers, the cure is usually worse than the disease.
Economists recommend identifying the worst problems and focusing
policies only on those few. A good solution to an important problem
puts us well ahead of a multitude of poor solutions to lesser
problems. William Nordhaus identified the shortcomings of piecemeal
policies in 1980 (see Sound and Fury ).
The five most important energy-market failures are listed below.
Although the idea of consumer myopia, discussed in chapter 6, has
less backing than the others, I believe most economists will agree
that the following are the energy-market problems that deserve the
most attention.
Five Energy-Market Failures
pollution side effects. The price of fossil fuel
omits the environmental costs of pollution and CO2
power. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) overcharges for oil relative to the competitive
security side effects. It costs money for the
United States and its allies to secure uninterrupted oil supplies.
myopia. Consumers see the purchase price of
products more clearly than they see future energy costs.
research side effects. Discoverers of basic new
technologies are under-rewarded.
The first problem with the market is its failure to take into account
the costs of the pollution associated with fossil-fuel use. There are
many such costs, but I will focus only on the cost of CO2
emissions—the main driver of global warming. (Economists call
side effects “externalities.”)
The next two market failures—market power and negative security
externalities—both point to a policy of reducing our reliance
on oil, thereby reducing the world price of oil. The fourth market
failure, consumer myopia, is the tendency of consumers to
underestimate future energy costs and thus buy energy-inefficient
products. The fifth problem with the market is that fundamental
research is risky, and patents may not protect breakthrough ideas.
Combining the two oil-dependence failures, and stating things more
simply, provides a more digestible list of problems.
Four Problems Addressed by the Core National Energy Plan
The missing costs of carbon emissions.
The missing costs of oil addiction.
Nearsighted purchases by consumers.
Insufficient basic
energy research.
the Plan?
A simple four-part national energy policy is all we really need. Of
course, there is room for add-ons, but four basic policies are
essential and would do far more than we accomplish now. I will focus
on its first three parts, as these are the least understood. The
fourth part is simply to fund more basic research.
The Core National
Energy Plan:
An untax
on carbon.
A separate untax
rate for oil.
A carmakers’ race
to fuel efficiency.
Public funding of basic
energy research.
As good market design requires, the plan is simple. Because it
respects competitive market principles, it’s also a bargain. As
we’ll see in a moment, it saves money by harnessing the
ingenuity of every American—from CEOs to high school students.
It’s also fair in that it rewards all those who help out, and
to the extent the poor use the least energy, rewards the poor.
The next three sections explain the first three parts of the policy,
beginning with the “untax,”
which raises no revenues for the government, but refunds all revenues
to consumers. After introducing the untax,
I explain why the untax
rate for oil should take account of OPEC’s oil prices. Finally,
I explain the race to fuel efficiency, which is more fair to car
companies than standards, and can be as powerful as desired.
the Untax
“Among policy wonks like me, there is a broad consensus. …
if we want to reduce global emissions of carbon, we need a global
carbon tax.” So said Mankiw, whom I disagreed with over fuel
economy in the previous chapter. I agree completely with Mankiw, on
this—the central point of his article in the New
York Times. He also mentions that President Reagan’s
chief economist, Martin S. Feldstein, a famous opponent of tax
distortions, came up with the idea of using a carbon tax back in
As Mankiw says, there is no disagreement “between
environmentalists and industrialists, or between Democrats and
Republicans” on the benefits of a carbon tax. He’s right.
A carbon tax is the cheapest way to solve the first, and most
important, energy-market problem, “the missing cost of carbon
But, as Mankiw also reminds us, both American voters and political
consultants consider “tax” a four-letter word. Can we
find a way around the political lightning rod of “taxes”
to save Americans tens of billions of dollars a year by implementing
the best economic policy?
Mankiw comes close to finding the way. There are two halves to any
tax—how it is collected and how it is spent. The benefits of
the carbon tax come entirely from the first half—the charges on
carbon, which increase its price and make us all look for ways to
avoid using fossil fuel. So economists look for ways the government
can spend the tax revenues to make voters happy. Happy enough to
forget it’s a tax? Not likely.
Mankiw proposes to spend the carbon tax revenues on a “rebate
of the federal payroll tax on the first $3,660 of earnings for each
worker.” That is close to the right answer. Others propose
reducing income taxes either personal or corporate, and some propose
spending it on research and subsidies.
To find the right answer, we must go north to Alaska, where the air
is cold and heads are clear. The answer—how the government
should spend the money—couldn’t be simpler. Don’t
spend it! Just give it back to us, thank you very much. Alaska sends
identical checks, for a little over $1000, to every Alaskan resident
every June. It collects these revenues from its famous oil pipeline.
This is popular. This is an untax.
Taxes raise money for the government. The office football pool
collects money and gives it back. That’s not a tax. That’s
an incentive to correctly predict the winning team. It’s also
A carbon untax
is an incentive to use less carbon. Use the average amount of carbon,
and your refund check will exactly cover what you contribute to the
carbon pool of money collected from oil, gas and coal companies. Your
contribution will not always be obvious, but these companies will
raise prices to cover their carbon charges. That’s exactly
what’s needed to discourage the use of fossil fuel.
Use more carbon than average, say by flying your own personal jet,
and you will pay more in higher fossil prices than you get back in
June. Because the rich tend to use far more than average, 60 percent
of us are actually below average, and will get back more in June than
we pay the rest of the year in higher fossil prices. The less carbon
you use, the greater your net winnings—or if you fly your own
jet, the less you lose by. That’s why, even though it gives
back all the money, the untax
works perfectly.
The second policy in the plan specifies a separate untax
rate for oil. When OPEC pushes the price of oil high enough, that in
itself is a strong global warming policy (see chapter 2). There is no
need to raise the cost of oil still more, so when the oil price is
high enough, the carbon charge on oil should drop to zero.
For example, when the world price is $80, the untax might be $20, but
if the world price rises to $100, the untax rate would fall to zero.
The sum of the world oil price plus carbon charge paid by refineries
would be $100 either way. This price stability protects alternative
fuel investments, such as those in advanced ethanol plants and
investments in conservation such as hybrid or electric cars.
Investors worry that the price of oil may collapse and leave their
investments worthless. This happened in 1986. OPEC has even
threatened to do this deliberately in order to discourage energy
investments that would reduce our addiction.
With a variable oil-carbon charge and an untax, if OPEC lowered the
world price of oil for a couple of years, the carbon charge would
rise to keep the domestic price of oil high. This would protect
alternative fuel suppliers, and consumers would still capture the
benefits of low world prices in their untax refund checks.
As explained in part 4, an untax on oil is the right basis for a
consumers’ cartel, and as such it’s an incentive for
international cooperation. This is particularly true for China, which
will soon be even more addicted to oil than is the United States. A
successful global warming policy requires such international
cooperation, especially from China, so the untax on oil serves both
goals—climate stability and energy security.
Race to Efficiency
In 1975, Congress set the Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency Economy
(CAFE) standard for 1985 cars at 27.5 miles per gallon. In 2010, the
standard will still be 27.5 miles per gallon. Once high OPEC prices
disappeared, the CAFE machine just stopped percolating. After the
return of high oil prices in 2006 and 2007, Congress passed
legislation that requires the standard to increase to 35 miles per
gallon in 2020. However, the bill requires nothing until 2011, and
then only at the discretion of the President. The risk remains that
if oil prices drop, the standards may end up lower or go into effect
later, as happened in the mid-1980s.
CAFE standards have two fundamental flaws: The Big Three automobile
manufacturers hate them, and they are easy to gum up. The two flaws
work together all too well. As soon as the country settles down after
an OPEC crisis, the Big Three gum up the standards. No good reason
exists for such poor design, and after thirty-two years, it’s
time for a change.
No one would think of requiring athletes to perform to standards at
the Olympics. No one wants government standards saying how tasty the
food should be at their favorite restaurant. Athletes compete.
Restaurants compete. Car companies compete on everything else but
fuel economy—the one thing they do poorly at. Competition is
not a new idea, except to regulators.
Part 3 of this book explains how to turn CAFE standards into a
competitive race to fuel efficiency in which losers pay for the
prizes. The race mechanism eliminates standards entirely; each
company simply tries to do better than the others. The better it
does, the greater its prize (or the less it contributes to prizes for
others). With a standard, companies lose the incentive to keep trying
once they reach that standard.
To keep the Big Three happy, I will suggest rigging the race in their
favor a bit. Even so, every car manufacturer will get the same reward
for each extra bit of fuel efficiency, so they will all try equally
hard. The incentive can be set just as strong as we want by adjusting
the prize.
Also, there is no need to delay the start of a race for four years,
as our government just did again with CAFE standards. All car
companies can do their best, whatever that is, the very first year.
Incidentally, similar legislation can make appliance standards more
effective and vastly simpler.
Much Does it Cost?
The first three policies of the Core National Energy Policy are all
revenue-neutral. The two untaxes pay back to consumers exactly, to
the penny, what they collect. The Department of Energy pays an
administrative cost, but in Alaska this amounts to less than 1
percent of the income distributed. The third policy, the
fuel-efficiency race, simply redistributes funds from losing car
companies to winning car companies. The last policy, public funding
of basic energy research, is fairly cheap. We can beef up the
research budget for conservation and nonnuclear alternative energy by
ten times, and it still comes to only $10 billion a year, which is
1/14 of 1 percent of gross domestic product.
Does being revenue-neutral mean the first three policies are free?
No. Although an untax refunds all the money it collects, it still
involves the indirect net costs that consumers incur to reduce
their energy use. Net costs are small because they are the difference
between the cost of saving energy and the value of the energy saved.
Since saving energy is voluntary, people do not choose to spend much
more than they save. The economics of net costs will be explained in
part 3, but one more result is of interest. Revenue-neutral policies
come with a sort of guarantee: If they don’t work, at least
they entail no net cost.
As an example, if the untax collects $300 billion and refunds it all,
and if that saves 20 percent of our carbon (a good start), the net
cost to consumers will be only about $38 billion. But if we save no
carbon, the net cost to consumer will be essentially zero.
If the race to fuel efficiency is designed correctly, it will have a
negative net cost. The efficiency race is only intended to solve the
third energy-market problem, consumer short-sightedness. If it does
that, and no more, it will save consumers more money on fuel than it
costs them for efficient cars. I will not attempt to estimate the
net savings, but consumers spent roughly $300 billion on gasoline in
2006, leaving room to save real money.
Excluding net savings from the fuel-economy race, the total cost of
the untaxes and research comes to $48 billion per year. This is only
1/3 of 1 percent of the national income—about four months of
economic growth. This would be a strong policy for both energy
security and climate change. If oil prices were high at the time, the
cost would be considerably less because the carbon charge on oil
would be low.
We Charge It to OPEC?
Based on a 20 percent cut in oil use, the world price of oil would be
reduced a bit over 5 percent making OPEC and Big Oil each pay roughly
$12 billion of the cost of these policies. But the full proposal of
this book calls for an international consumers’ cartel to
challenge OPEC, which is the international producers’ cartel.
Such a consumers’ cartel would roughly triple the savings and
result in more than full payment of the cost of this sample core
energy plan.
By 2050, if climate change policies are ramped up to the level that
is frequently anticipated as necessary, their cost would likely
outstrip the savings from reductions in the world price of oil. But
that, of course, depends on how much cheap conservation is available
and what technological breakthroughs come along. But the strength of
future policies can and will be left for the future. For now, we can
charge it to OPEC and Big Oil.
the Core National Energy Policy Work?
The untax is at the heart of the policies I propose. Will the untax
work? First, as Mankiw points out, the idea is close to a century old
and trusted by more economists than any other approach. Second, this
is very close to the policy tested by OPEC, and it passed with flying
colors. It stimulated a huge amount of conservation and a significant
increase in supply. It reduced carbon dioxide emissions from the
United States and it crushed OPEC’s price for 18 years. OPEC
put a charge on oil, just the same as the untax, but forgot to put
the refund check in the mail.
A $300 billion untax would mean a $1,000-per-person refund every
year. Because, it’s a more balanced approach, targeting all
fossil fuels, it would accomplish more at less cost than OPEC’s
approach. The untax should start gradually, allowing people to
adjust. The anticipation of its increase will amplify its
effectiveness, while the gradual start reduces the transition costs.
A family of four that changed from using 50 percent more carbon than
average to using 25 percent less than average would save $3,000 per
year and end up with a net benefit of $1000 per year from the
combined fossil-fuel costs and the June refund check. This is a
strong-enough incentive to cause people to buy better light bulbs,
more insulation, and less thirsty cars. Businesses will have the
same-strength incentive because they save the same amount when they
use less fossil fuel.
The strength of the untax is the breadth of its reach. Emission caps
and subsidies require regulators to target particular carbon-saving
methods. The untax targets every carbon-saving method that 300
million Americans can dream up. This is the strength and beauty of a
market approach. It harnesses the creativity of every entrepreneur,
inventor, high school student, and parent. It motivates the rich and
the poor alike. It stimulates car pools, neighborhood organizations,
citywide efforts, and state programs. It promotes innovation at
national laboratories, huge corporations, and little
alternative-energy startups. And because the untax treats all
equally, the best ideas win out.
Compared with such a massive and balanced approach, specialized
approaches that target things like corn ethanol, hydrogen cars, wind
turbines, or solar roofs hold little promise. In fact, the untax
would appropriately reward the users and developers of each of these
technologies and allow the market to select the real winner among
them—if there is one. Compared with choosing technologies in
the dark, according to which technology is backed by the most
powerful congressional lobby, the untax is like the light of day.
Touch the Untax
I end this chapter with a strong warning about the untax. Every time
the newspapers mention a gas tax or a carbon tax, the first response
is often “Of course, it’s dead on arrival,” or
“It’s a political third rail.” Mankiw puts it like
this: “Republican consultants advise using the word ‘tax’
only if followed immediately by the word ‘cut.’
Democratic consultants recommend the word ‘tax’ be
followed by ‘on the rich.’”
I favor the untax because it’s fair and it works, but in the
real world, its most important virtue is that it isn’t really a
tax. It’s not a tax because it doesn’t collect revenues
for the government. Mankiw’s carbon tax is similar, but he
wants to implement it in place of part of the payroll tax. Not a bad
idea, if you ignore politics. But taxpayers would not get a check in
the mail, the government would keep the money, and Mankiw’s
carbon tax would be doing exactly what a real tax does now. That’s
a tax, and Mankiw doesn’t deny it.
Some people will want to change the untax to pay down corporate
taxes, while others will want to spend it on energy programs. Both of
these options change the untax into a regular old we-hate-it tax. Let
me make this as simple as possible:
All economists know
that a carbon tax or a carbon untax is best.
If the government keeps
the money, it’s a tax.
If it’s a tax,
you can forget it; it will never fly.
It’s better for
lawmakers to implement an untax than to grab for the revenues and
get nothing.
As I show in part 3 of this book, the untax is more fair than a
tax—even a tax that is fully offset by reductions in other
taxes. But that’s not the point. As a true, verifiable, 100
percent untax, I think it has a good chance of becoming reality. As
soon as anyone puts his or her hands on its revenues, the untax
vanishes in a puff of politics. Don’t touch the untax revenues.
They belong to the American people.