Curve Flattening Begins

Curve Flattening Begins

Mar. 31: For the last week, the data has shown that while the epidemic is still accelerating, it is accelerating more slowly. The result is “curve flattening,” and the implications are pretty dramatic, given the tiny bend

Trump: Almost Popular

Trump: Almost Popular

Nate Silver tracks all the polls, calculates their biases and accuracy, and then takes the perfect weighted average. He’s amazing. I use his average for “likely voters” because that’s what really matters.

On March 27, Trump’s approval

Trump vs Xi: The Corona Race

Trump vs Xi: The Corona Race

The Chinese were slow to report COVID-19, the disease caused by the new Coronavirus. So Xi received a late warning. But Trump received an early warning. Eleven days before the first known U.S. case

First Flattening of Corona Curve

First Flattening of Corona Curve

Mar. 27, 2 am ET: For the last three days it looks like the growth rate of identified cases has slowed from about 32% to about 26%. If so, this will soon register as our

Bernie Sanders Losing White Working Class

Bernie Sanders Losing White Working Class

In Grant County, Oklahoma, which is 88% white and 77% working class, Bernie Sanders crushed Clinton, getting 57% of the vote. Four years later, Sanders took home a mere 16% of the vote against

Joe Biden: School Busing

Joe Biden: School Busing

Here are the main points to know about busing (documented below):

  1. Joe Biden never opposed community-based busing, the type that Kamala Harris experienced.
  2. Half or more of blacks (depending on the survey) opposed the court-ordered
Sanders says that no one can stop him

Sanders Is Out

Sanders says that no one can stop him

Sanders Is Out

Nate Silver, the best meta-polster in the business (he scientifically combines all other pole results) now gives Sanders only a half percent chance of winning the nomination on the first ballot. Biden has a 95% chance. [5


Hot Topics

Mar 8. Virus Math: The average growth rate, over the last week for new coronavirus cases, is 29% per day. That means that if there were 100 new cases today, there would be 129 tomorrow. At this rate,

Sanders Flip-Flops to Obama

Sanders Flip-Flops to Obama

In a panic, the day after getting his clock cleaned by underdog Joe Biden, Sanders “saw the light.” It only took him 12 years.

The Wednesday morning after Super Tuesday, he released his first I’m-with-Obama ad