Wokeness Kills Progress
Breaking news: Betting market odds on Biden being the candidate collapsed July 2, and are still falling. Dropped from 68% to 42%. If he’s pushed out without a Plan B, the Democrats will “plunge into a civil war,” according to David Frum in the Atlantic. I’ve been thinking that for some time, so I’ve worked out something close to a safe Plan B. At least this shows it’s possible.
I posted a petition, Change.org/BidenPlanB, that explains it, and calls for the Democrats to come up with one immediately. It’s also explained on BidenPlanB.org.
The greatest danger to our democracy is a second Trump term. The main reasons for this danger are not under the Democrat’s control. Gas prices are mainly based on the world oil market, with a lag due to gas-station pricing. The Fed is doing what it can to curb inflation without risking too-big a recession.
The one thing Democrats should be able to control is their own left extremists. But most Democratic officials, including Biden, act like they are afraid of them. And they probably are. That plays right into right-wing propaganda.
This is a very old problem, but FDR showed how to handle it. He flattened both the socialists and the communist parties and distanced himself from the extremists. And the socialists, who said FDR was “carrying out their policies … on a stretcher” were nowhere near as crazy as today’s woke. It’s time for sane Democrats to speak up.
In 1966, when Black-power champion Stokely Carmichael became woke, he toured the country calling out Martin Luther King Jr. for being a white supremacist!
“People have been upset because we’ve said that integration was irrelevant when initiated by blacks [blacks like MLK and the civil rights movment] and that in fact, it was a subterfuge, an insidious subterfuge, for the maintenance of white supremacy.” —Stokely Carmichael
Carmichael’s somewhat successful attempt to cancel MLK, bears a striking resemblance to contemporary woke cancel culture.
- Attacking an ally. He chose to cancel someone with similar progressive beliefs, not some actual white supremacist.
- Character assassination. He chose slander by a group as his means of attack.
- Utopian. He attacked a practical approach by claiming a utopian approach (Black power) would produce vastly better results.
Today’s woke would not cancel MLK, but they are more closely related to Carmichael’s Black Power movement than to King’s non-violent direct action. As King said in 1966. “we can and should unite our strength for the wise preservation, not of races in general, but of the one race we all constitute — the human race.” His goal was the end of identity politics.
Obama explained the difference between MLK’s approach and woke politics as follows.
You know this idea [that] you’re always politically woke. … If I tweet or hashtag about how you … used the wrong verb or … then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself because man, you see how woke I was? I called you out. … You know that’s not activism. That’s not bringing about change.
—Obama, Oct 30, 2019
Doesn’t Criticizing the Woke Help Republicans?
The progressive statistical website FiveThirtyEight reports that “Attacking ‘Woke’ People Is Becoming The GOP’s New Political Strategy … in fact, this cancel-culture/woke discourse could become the organizing idea of the post-Trump Republican Party.”
Woke politics not only harms the Democrats, it helps the Republicans. And it’s growing like crazy. So my goal is not to criticize the woke, who are well-intentioned but confused. Rather it is to understand the virus of wokism. How does it spread? And how does it suppress our immune system, which normally works through vigorous public discussion?
It’s a fascinating tale, and I invite you to revisit zFacts.com periodically to keep abreast of it.
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Demonizing White Kids for Being Born
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Let the Woke Erase “Men” and “Women?”
Maya Forstater lost her job for claiming that a man could not become a woman. J. K. Rawlings defended her. According to biology and every dictionary, there should have been no need for this.

Woke Racism
“It’s always an angry white man. Always,” said USA Today’s Race and Inclusion editor, Hemal Jhaveri, after the mass shooting in Boulder. Actually no, that’s just a racist woke meme.

A Silver Bullet for Trump’s Anti-Vaxxers
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Biden Came This Close Losing !!
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How Biden Blasted Back
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Trump Weaponizes “Law ‘n’ Order”
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Biden Shift Toward Sanders’ Socialism?
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