Demonizing White Kids for Being Born
Would a Christian K-12 school demonize white people for being born? And would they deliberately make their white students feel responsible for things they have no personally responsible for? That’s what math teacher Paul Rossi accused them of — after he wrote a post about their use of Critical Race Theory.
Rossi made this claim, on April 19, after headmaster Davison told him to stay home and wrote an open letter criticizing him. So perhaps Rossi was just fabricating or exaggerating in retaliation. Davison immediately denied the charges saying, “You misquoted me and attributed to me things that I had never said nor would ever say in the press.”
That’s odd. Why would the headmaster claim they were things he would never say “in the Press.” If he didn’t say them, why not issue a simple denial — “I didn’t say anything like that and I never would.” Instead, he denied and then hedged. True, he wouldn’t say them “in the press.” But would he say them on the phone to Rossi? Hmm. It seems like we’ll never know. Except …
Neo-Racism at Grace Church School
The next day Rossi released a recording of a conversation he had with Davison.
- Paul Rossi: So you agree that we’re demonizing kids?
- Headmaster Davison: We’re demonizing … ki− − we’re demonizing white people, for being born.
- Paul Rossi: And are some of the students white people?
- Headmaster Davison: Yeah.
- Paul Rossi: OK, so we’re demonizing white kids. Why don’t you just say it?
- Headmaster Davison: We are using language that makes them feel “less than,” for nothing they are personally responsible for.
Remember, this is language that, in private, he now calls “demonizing,” is language that he has been publicly celebrating for several years.
The next day, George Davison announced his own retirement after 28 years as headmaster. Obviously, he’d been caught in a monumental lie. And no, I’m not talking about his little lie about what he said to Rossi. I’m talking about his monstrous multi-year lie to Grace Church School in Manhattan.
For several years he had been telling them how righteous Critical Race Theory was, while he secretly knew that the $57,000-a-year they paid in tuition was making the white children at the school feel “less than” and responsible for things they had no personal responsibility for. Critical Race Theory was demonizing them for being born white.
He didn’t do this because of any evil intent. He did it because he lacked the courage to stand up to the threats of the woke pushers of Critical Race theory. I can sympathize with that. He’d been put in a very difficult position. But he should never have sacrificed the students, even to keep his job.
Thankfully, Paul Rossi had the guts to sacrifice his job in order to do the right thing by his students and their parents. We all owe him a debt of gratitude.
Newsweek tells us that the audio was released by FAIR, the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism, and that Rossi’s original post was sponsored by Bari Weiss a board member of FAIR. If you would like to join others fighting woke ideology, FAIR is the place to turn. It was founded March 4, and in less than two months gained 10,000 members — it’s free. And it already has 15,000 Twitter followers