Green Energy: Wind, Solar, Conservation
Every other year Congress reinstates the 2¢/kWh subsidy and wind power takes off. Every other year Congress lets the subsidy die and wind-power stagnates. Too bad, because each 12kWh saves the energy in a gallon of gas.
This section is just starting. Write me if you have info on cutting-edge geothermal. (eM: help (at) zfacts)
Just grow our own oil! In 2006 it cost $8 billion extra for 1.1% energy independence and 0.06% reduction in GHGs. Was that real cost or just excess profits? If you care about climate change, don't fall for this ADM-Bush-corn-subsidy shenanigan.
 3-Mile Island
Nuclear power generation produces no CO2, but some claim it takes a nuke 30 years to pay back the CO2 from building it. Nonsense. Three months is more like it. But the waste-disposal problem is unsolved and nukes are expensive. Why subsidize them more than wind? Why not a bit less?
 Toyota Prius G
Hybrids run on gas but are extra efficient because their engines run at the perfect speed all the time. This trick is done with batteries and an electric motor. This gives them great gas mileage. Plug-in Hybrids will be here soon.
http://zfacts.com/p/1081.html | 01/18/12 07:17 GMT Modified: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 06:34:08 GMT