Political Ideology and Money
Joe McCarthy
What is Socialism?
The right wing uses "Socialist" instead of "Communist" or Commie -- the terms they used in Senator McCarthy's (R-WI) right-wing witch hunts of the 1950's. Look in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Socialism means the government owns "the means of production," and that paychecks are "unequal" and people are paid according to "work done."
That means the government would own things like auto plants, oil refineries, and perhaps services like: restaurants, banks, police, parks, and libraries. The idea was that the government would earn a profit, and people would be paid for work. (I once ate in a government restaurant in Socialist Yugoslavia.)
So has Obama nationalized any banks? No. Oil refineries? No. The only thing even close is that the government will basically extend Medicare to about 10% more Americans who didn't have health insurance. So if you think Medicare is socialist because the government has taken some business away from our wonderful health insurance industry, then that's a bit of socialism. But compared with public schools, police, roads, and parks, it's tiny. And most people think that roads-and-parks "socialism" is just fine.
Was Hitler a Socialist?
Don't believe everything Hitler and Rush Limbaugh say. Hitler called his party "National Socialists." North Korea calls itself the "Democratic People's Republic." What? You're not buying what Dear Leader tells us? So the truth was the opposite of what Hitler said. No! Hitler and Rush would not lie to us, would they?
Hitler was a Fascist. He hated the Socialists and Communists most. After he set the Reichstag fire in February 1933, he pinned it on the Communists and banned the German Socialist Party. Communists and Socialists were swept into concentration camps or forced to flee the country. Rush would have been thrilled. ( Truman Libarary )
Alan Blinder explains socialism
Reichstag fire
Hitler arrests Communists, Socialist and Liberals
Health Care -- What Do People Really Think?
Rate of expenditure growth See bottom of Table 13.
The Republicans Are Lying about The Bush Torture Memos
April 19, 2009, by Steven Stoft
Obama did not release any new information about U.S. torture, only about who authorized it and when. I personally read the details of all of the torture techniques used by the CIA a week before President Obama released the Bush memos. How? It was all printed in the New York Review of Books, as you can see for yourself April 9, 2009 . The article is based on this Red Cross Report . It's all in there and was all public.
ABC tells us "Republican lawmakers took to the airwaves on the Sunday talk shows to argue the president's release [April 16] of memos detailing the Bush administration's internal discussions of harsh interrogation tactics has made America less safe. Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, told ABC News, 'The release of these memos is dangerous.' Former GOP Rep. Dick Armey, R-Texas, speaking on Fox News, called it 'grotesquely irresponsible.'"
They argue that terrorists will learn how we torture and then train to withstand it. But all of the information was already out in public and the Republicans know this. They are simply upset that Bush, who told us the United States does not torture, has been shown to be a liar.
25.0%, November 5, 2008. Even before the election, Bush hit a new low. The new financial crisis on Wall Street following hurricanes, high gas prices and Iraq war failures, brought Bush's approval rating (including half the undecided) to new low in October. [See latest Bush poll graph.]
Not for attribution
Christopher Jensen, of wheels.blogs., has discovered that even the name of the head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is off the record, background only, not for attribution; the communications office of the department can't tell that to reporters without permission from above.
"This makes for interesting dealings with the office charged with providing information about the nation’s top automotive safety agency. ... So, I will end the suspense about the boss’s identity. The administrator is Nicole R. Nason ... And it is she who put the big hush on one of the government’s most important safety agencies," writes Jensen.
Never let the facts spoil the story
It isn't only scientific evidence that the Bush crowd is altering -- they rewrote the report on the lack of voter fraud to make it say fraud appeared wide spread.
PAUL WOLFOWITZ,, president of the World Bank after leaving the George W. Bush administration, was rebuked by the Bank's ethics committee for violations of staff personnel policy, causing his resignation. The Bank's board found his high-handed management style incompatible with the consensual, process-obsessed style of the bank. Wolfowitz was cutting off funding without consulting board members, ordering personnel reassigned without discussion, and, said the ex-general counsel, “He presumes that anyone who opposes him is incompetent or corrupt.”
I. LEWIS 'SCOOTER' LIBBY is not going to prison; Bush commuted his sentence, calling it "excessive." He does have to pay the fine of $250,000 -- at least for now he does. Meanwhile, the Wilsons are sueing Libby and half the White House.
JACK ABRAMOFF is serving a sentence of five years and 10 months at a minimum-security prison camp in Cumberland, Md., for defrauding banks. The Go-To Man is gone.
... this is now. American military officials in Iraq did not keep track of guns issued to the Iraqi police because they "did not believe the rules applied to them." 505,093 weapons were given to the Iraqi police but only 12,128 serial numbers recorded. counting guns.
 W.Kristol, P.Wolfowitz
The Neocon Agenda:
They convinced Bush to try nation building in Iraq after Cheney brought them to power. Starting in 1997, they planned the Iraq War as a sequel to the Gulf War and used 9/11 as their excuse. What makes them tick? picture
 Jack Abramoff
Abramoff, 47, is serving a sentence of five years and 10 months at a minimum-security prison camp in Cumberland, Md., for defrauding banks of $23 million in his purchase of a Florida casino cruise line six years ago. Abramoff has also pleaded guilty in Washington to fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials. He is to be sentenced in that case next year. The Go-To Man is gone.
Investigations also showed hundreds of contacts with and thousands of dollars spent on White House personnel, including NCAA tickets and other favors for Rove. Abramoff & Rove
 Valerie Plame
Scooter Libby, while attempting to discredit Wilson, leaked to reporters that Valerie Plame, Wilson's wife, was a CIA agent. Richard Armitage, once a Deputy Secretary of State, also revealed Ms. Plame's identity to columnist Robert Novak. Revealing the identity of a CIA agent is a crime. The revelation seemed to be the administration's revenge on Wilson for disclosing that the Iraqi uranium purchase was fiction. Libby admitted nothing, but contradicted himself into an indictment for perjury, making false statements and obstruction of justice. Armitage, who much later admited his share in the fiasco, has been ignored. convicted
Pentagon Spying The Pentagon is spying inside the U.S.
Since 9/11 the Pentagon has expanded its already questionable spying projects, deleting from the manual a few words that limited domestic wire tapping, using a "national security letter" that demands financial information (and secrecy), and saving the information "just in case" they need it later even if it is exculpatory.
Susan B. Ralston, a former aide to the disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff who went on to work for the presidential adviser Karl Rove, has resigned from the White House in the wake of a report that she served as a conduit between the two men.
The IRS is outsourcing some tax collection
The private debt collection program is expected to bring in $1.4 billion over 10 years, with the collection agencies keeping about $330 million of that, or 22 to 24 cents on the dollar. By hiring more revenue officers, the IRS could collect more than $9 billion each year and spend only $296 million — or about three cents on the dollar — to do so, Charles O. Rossotti, the computer systems entrepreneur who was commissioner from 1997 to 2002, told Congress four years ago.
http://zfacts.com/p/26.html | 01/18/12 07:16 GMT Modified: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 03:21:52 GMT