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Sarah Palin for President?
It takes a hard heart not to like Sarah Palin—poised and charming, funny and spunky. She's fought some corruption and fought successfully for her state—increasing their take on the oil coming down through Alaska and managing to keep the funding for the "bridge to nowhere" even after disowning the project she once favored.
The problem is not Sarah. Any politician would have grabbed the chance to be Veep to a 72-year-old cancer survivor. You can't fault her. The problem is McCain. His campaign was adrift, with no good prospects among experienced republicans that he could see.
He wanted the Hilary voters that Hilary had primed for him, and he desperately needed evangelicals. Now every candidate looks for a running mate that will bring in votes. But almost always they consider the country too, or at least they realize they should not offend us by proposing someone totally unprepared for the job.
But McCain has said he's got the presidential bug and can't get it out of his system. He want's one thing, and he will risk the country to get it.
The result is graphically documented by Time and Newsweek.

Brooks on Palin

  Palin on Hilary's Wining.  

http://zfacts.com/p/1039.html | 01/18/12 07:19 GMT
Modified: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 00:33:57 GMT
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