Fossil Fuel: Coal, Oil, Gas, Tar, Tar Sands, Shale Oil
Can the Government Fix the Oil Leak?
May 28, 2010. Oil companies should be responsible for the risks they take. And that's why we need government—to make sure they know damages will not be capped at $75 million, as the law states now. So who wanted that cap. The answer is obvious. If you want good government, keep big corporations out of it.
Now it's too late. Sure the government should do what it can, but BP is frantic already and the government doesn't know oil technology—and it shouldn't. Here's a video of what it takes, and it still won't work.
Time: "Oil unlikely to hit $147 again."   Really ?!
June 2, 2009.
Reporting like this is why we never do anything about oil:
Oil is unlikely to hit $147 a barrel again — at least not during the coming decades.  —Time, May 29, 2009.
Why didn't Time just call up EIA to ask what they meant? Can't Time dig that deep? EIA's forecast is more than double what it was in 2007, the year before we hit $147. And EIA is not talking about peaks. It's like the weatherman ... more >>
Oil and gas prices are down because the high oil prices in 2008, and the recession, have caused the world to reduce its use of oil. To compensate, OPEC is reducing supply—with one scary new twist. For the first time it's not just Saudi Arabia, it's all of OPEC.
  Gas Prices Historical gasoline-price graph.

Oil Prices: Historical Oil Price Graph. In inflation-adjusted dollars, how does 1980 compare with today?
  Closing  $31.5  Billion in Oil-Company Tax Loopholes
Dallas News, February 28, 2009
"It's like putting a dagger in the heart of the oil and gas industry. It would kill the industry." So says Bruce Vincent, vice chair of the Petroleum Association of America. So I worked it out. Over 10 years, 840 million gallons a day, that comes to 1 cent per gallon of oil—never mind the natural gas. After Exxon made, $45 billion profit last year, oh yes, I'm sure that will kill them all.
  The Truth About Peak Oil. Cheap oil, costing under $60/barrel, may well have peaked or is close to it. This may mean we are stuck with $60-$120/barrel oil, but this does not spell doom. Even at $120/barrel, U.S. energy costs would be a smaller fraction of GDP than they were in 1980. Peak-oil buffs may have a point about oil production, but when it comes to economics, they're a dangerous cult. Read what the cult's leadership says about the "die-off", or "cleansing" of 4 billion people. They say it's a good idea.
  Boycott Exxon?. Exxon is not only the world's largest company — largest revenues, largest profits — Exxon is also the "highest-profile corporate skeptic about global warming," and the only large oil company still funding groups that deny human-caused climate change. Exxon is different from other oil companies.  Should we boycott Exxon? more
  Import Costs: The Rising Cost of Oil Addiction
Gas Tax: How much of the cost of gas is tax? The big "tax" that no one talks about.
World Oil: OPEC's 1980 oil-price spike. How conservation crushed OPEC for 17 years.
Alaska: The Real Reason Behind Alaskan Oil
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:18 GMT

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