people in production agriculture, these soaring new sources of crop
demand are pretty heady stuff. They are creating ethanol euphoria,
Collins, Chief Economist, USDA, 2006
Ethanol used to replace gasoline is 200 proof corn whiskey. If it
would stabilize the climate, there would be no shame in letting our
cars drink good whiskey. But as with most subsidies, the corn-whiskey
subsidy likely has more to do with local profits than with global
policy. In this case, that would mean production agriculture, ethanol
refineries, and as it’s called in the Midwest, ethanol
For the past five or six years a controversy has raged around whether
corn ethanol is green. Does its production and use, in place of
gasoline, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help reduce global
warming. Throughout this debate, one factor has been consistently
ignored—the world oil market. As this chapter shows, that
changes everything.
As we have seen, conservation and increased supply of non-OPEC oil
forced the world price of oil down from $90 to $30 (in 2007 dollars)
back in the early 1980s. We also saw that the world oil price
stimulated a huge reduction in oil demand. These two dramatic effects
also apply to ethanol. Increasing the supply of ethanol works just
like increasing the supply of oil. It reduces the world price of oil,
and that price reduction increases the world’s use of oil. This
is not rocket economics. If something gets cheaper, people buy more
of it. So the world oil market translates our good deed—saving
oil with ethanol—into more oil use by the rest of the world.
Fortunately, as we will see shortly, the increased use of oil by
others only cancels about a quarter of our ethanol’s
replacement of oil.
and Ethanol Mileage
Before tackling the mysteries of the world market, let’s take a
look at ethanol as you might buy it at the local gas station. Ethanol
will never save you money at the gas pump. On average it costs the
same per gallon as gasoline and you can only drive two thirds as
far—or slightly less—on a gallon of ethanol.
Paying $3.00 a gallon for ethanol is like paying $4.50 for gasoline,
plus you have to pay the subsidies—through income taxes—on
one and a half gallons of ethanol to replace one gallon of gasoline.
The federal subsidy is 50˘ per gallon. That brings us up to
$5.25 to replace a gallon of $3 gas, and that doesn’t count the
subsidies for growing the corn. President George W. Bush set a goal
of 35 billion gallons a year of ethanol, which will replace 23
billion gallons of gasoline at an extra cost of more than $2.25 per
gallon. That’s an extra $50 billion a year, and this goal is
now law.
If we’re going to spend that kind of money, it makes sense to
shop around. The government should have made a list of all the energy
policies we could subsidize, and how well they worked. Instead, the
government did not even evaluate corn ethanol, the government’s
choice for big bucks. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, which knows
a lot about corn subsidies, but not too much about climate change and
energy security, did what little evaluation was done. Not
surprisingly it looked at the wrong variable—net energy.
“Net Energy” and Why We Don’t Care
The net energy of ethanol is how much energy there is in a gallon of
ethanol minus how much human-supplied energy it took to make that
gallon. I say “human supplied” because solar energy
shining on the corn plants is not counted. The U.S. Department of
Agriculture found that it takes 0.73 units of input energy to make 1
unit of ethanol energy, so ethanol’s net energy is 1 –
0.73, or +0.27. So they say the net energy balance of corn ethanol
production is 27 percent positive.
Some anti-ethanol professors at Cornell and U.C. Berkeley say the net
energy balance of ethanol is negative. But their calculations look
biased to me and I don’t buy it. Others come up with a net
energy that’s more positive than 27 percent, and so there’s
a continuing debate over net energy. But do we care?
Suppose we used coal to run an ethanol distillery, but pumped all of
the carbon dioxide from burning the coal deep into the ground and
stored it there almost permanently. Suppose it took two units of coal
energy to make one unit of ethanol energy.
This hypothetical ethanol has a net energy balance of negative 100
percent—it’s just terrible according to net-energy
theory. But it’s very good for the climate because it has zero
emissions of carbon dioxide and it replaces gasoline which has high
emissions. The ethanol itself has no emissions because its carbon was
taken out of the atmosphere by the corn plant, and burning it just
puts that same carbon back in the air, so there is no net increase in
atmospheric carbon. And remember, the energy to make this ethanol
came from coal with all its carbon dioxide captured.
Since the coal used to make the ethanol was not imported, it causes
no energy-security problem. So replacing gasoline, 60 percent of
which is made from imported oil, with local coal and corn is a real
help for energy security.
So in this example, ethanol has a 100 percent negative energy
balance, but it’s very good for the climate and for energy
security. So, is this ethanol good or is it bad? And why do we have
conflicting results? The trouble with the net energy analysis is that
“energy” is not the problem. Energy is a good thing.
Actually, it’s fantastic. No one wants to walk everywhere. We
all prefer using some non-human energy to get around. The only
problem is that some energy has bad side effects. But it is the side
effects of climate change and energy security that matter, not the
energy itself. Energy and net energy don’t matter. They’re
not bad. Only the side effects matter.
So we can ignore the net-energy debate. It’s over the wrong
question. The real questions are greenhouse gases and energy imports.
Ethanol Green?
Does the production and use of ethanol increase or decrease total
greenhouse gas emissions? That is all I mean by green, although there
are numerous other ecological problems with producing corn ethanol.
For example, an article in the July Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, tells us that
agriculture is] a major source of the nitrogen inputs leading to the
"dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico and to nitrate, nitrite,
and pesticide residues in well water.
Finding out if ethanol is green by my more restrictive definition
requires two steps. First, how much greenhouse gas (GHG) emission
does ethanol cause compared with the amount of gasoline, measured by
energy. Second what is the impact of U.S. ethanol production on the
world oil market?
Corn ethanol has two big GHG problems. It takes a lot of heat to
distill the corn liquids into 200 proof whiskey, and that takes a
lot of fossil fuel—sometimes that’s coal. Second, corn is
the crop that uses the most nitrogen fertilizer, which is made with
natural gas. There’s also a problem with gases released by soil
microbes because of nitrogen fertilizer.
The report just mentioned in the Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences adds up all GHG emissions from the production and use of
both ethanol and gasoline. The conclusion is that for the same amount
of energy, US corn ethanol causes 88 percent as much global warming
as the gasoline it replaces. If this seems pessimistic, consider that
UC Berkeley's Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory puts this
value at 92 percent—even worse. For the world-market part of
this analysis, I will use the more optimistic value which says
ethanol is only 88% as bad as gasoline for global warming.
Ethanol in the World
Oil Market. World market effects are often ignored
because it seems that the world is just too big to affect. But, the
point of using ethanol is to affect global warming and global
energy security. We can’t have it both ways. If we count the
beneficial global effects we must also count the problematic global
effects. They are all small, but they all add up. The exact effect
I’m concerned with works like this:
Global Rebound Effect
More ethanol use causes
→ less oil to be imported,
which causes
→ a lower world “oil”
price, which causes
→ more liquid-fuel use
This same effect applies to conserving oil as well as to replacing it
with ethanol, or even to pumping more oil from Alaska. Consuming a
gallon less reduces imports by a gallon just the same as producing a
gallon of ethanol, and the consequences follow just the same. In
either case I call this the “global rebound effect”
because cutting back on the demand for oil reduces its price and
causes a partial rebound in the demand for oil. With conservation,
there is a net reduction, but it is less than the amount conserved.
The effect operates through the oil market, but remember, this is
really a market for all liquid fuels.
To grasp the meaning of this effect more concretely let’s work
a small example just to see what might happen. Trust me for a moment,
that I have chosen a useful example. Suppose that replacing a gallon
of gasoline with ethanol results in the world consuming 0.26 more
gallons of liquid fuel—mainly oil. In other words, the strength
of the global rebound effect from the world oil price being pushed
down is 26 percent.
From experience, I know some will say that one gallon of ethanol can
have no effect. But this example would work out the same if I said,
“suppose that replacing 100 billion gallons of gasoline had a
global rebound effect of 26 billion gallons.” That would have
an effect on world price and everything would work the same because I
am only discussing proportions.
Now I wish to discover the impact of the global rebound effect on GHG
emissions. To discuss GHG emissions more conveniently, let’s
call the GHG emissions caused by producing and using a gallon of
gasoline, “100 percent.” This will serve as our unit of
comparison. Just above we learned that replacing a gallon of gasoline
with ethanol reduces emission from 100 percent to only 88 percent—a
GHG emission savings of 12 percent. In this example we said that this
replacement causes a global rebound effect of 0.26 more gallons of
gasoline consumed. That increases emissions 26 percent.
The effect of replacing one gallon of gasoline with ethanol is then a
12 percent emissions savings plus a 26 percent increase in emissions.
The net effect is a 14 percent increase in emissions world wide. If
this is correct, then ethanol is not green. Making and using ethanol
increases total, world-wide greenhouse gas emissions.
The 0.26 value used in this example is my best estimate of the actual
global rebound effect. (See Rebound
Effect ) So the conclusion stands. U.S. corn ethanol is not green.
The 0.26 value is based on two input values. I took the first one
from the International Energy Agency. In its world energy model a 10
percent reduction in net demand causes the world price of oil to fall
15 percent. This is close to what I have found in other models, and
it is certainly a modest effect compared with what we saw in the
early 1980s. This value is discussed in more detail in chapter 13.
The second input value is the increase in oil use caused by a
decrease in the price of oil. I took this from a July 2007 paper by
William Nordhaus, a Yale economist and a leading authority on such
Global Rebound Effect (again)
conservation or alternative fuel production reduces the demand for
oil, this reduces the world price of oil and cause and increase in
demand equal to roughly 26 percent of the initial reduction.
This global rebound effect makes it difficult for alternative fuels
to break even with respect to global warming emissions, let alone
make a large difference. One promising candidate, however, is ethanol
made from cellulose. This is the part of plants that we don’t
eat because, unlike cows, we have only one stomach. Early indications
are that cellulosic ethanol should reduce greenhouse gases much
more—possibly 60 percent. With a 26 percent global rebound
effect, we would still be 34 percent ahead. That’s not quite
half as good as conservation.
When it comes to climate change, all ways of saving oil are worse
than they seem before taking into account the world oil market.
Ethanol, which seems to reduce greenhouse gases 12 percent compared
with using gasoline, actually increases greenhouse gases by 14
percent when the global effects of the world oil market are taken
into account. Conservation of gasoline—using less—is
still a winner, but it saves only 74 percent instead of 100 percent
of the greenhouse gases it appears to eliminate.