Duncan's Blackout Prediction
In March 2001, just as the California electricity crisis ended, Richard Duncan predicted the world would go over his "cliff" in 2007, due to the increasing spread of these blackouts. They had nothing at all to do with peak oil.
"The following study indicates that the 'cliff event' will occur about 5 years earlier than 2012 due an epidemic of 'rolling blackouts' that have already begun in the US. This 'electrical epidemic' spreads nationwide, then worldwide, and by ca. 2007 most of the blackouts are permanent. The 'modern way of life' is history by ca. 2025." —Duncan, March, 2001.
http://zfacts.com/p/865.html | 01/18/12 07:26 GMT Modified: Sun, 01 Feb 2009 04:56:07 GMT