Campbell on Population Die Off
Campbell's explanation of the die off from ASPO Newsletter No. 54, June 2005
"The World’s population has grown in parallel with oil production to its present level of 6.4 billion, which is evidently not sustainable. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that this Century will see the population fall to close to pre-Oil Age levels [that would be well under 2 billion=] as the oil and water reservoirs are depleted. Oil will be gone in its entirety but the rains will still fall to quench the thirst of the survivors and gradually re-charge the aquifers."
A recent, but undated slide show is entitled "The Second Great Depression."
http://zfacts.com/p/857.html | 01/18/12 07:26 GMT Modified: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 19:01:24 GMT