The two Gulf Wars have resulted in serious health problems for many Iraqi civilians. These have been attributed to poor sanitation, malnutrition, chemical and biological weapons, oil well fires, and depleted uranium. Many U.S. veterans have reported a variety of post-war illnesses. Although many critics have suggested that depleted uranium is the principal factor for both Irqi civilian and U.S. veteran health problems, in-depth studies have found that depleted uranium health risks are relatively small. This suggests that greater attention should be given to other factors.
 Iraqi Shiite Oil Minister Chalabi, Iran Pres.
1. Bush's new "time table." 2. A 3-way partition with shared oil revenues. 3. Diplomacy with Syria and Iran. 4. Pull back and guard the borders.
Shifting Goals
1. WMD: There were none. 2. Rescue Iraq from Saddam: Done in a month. 3. Bring market-democracy: Torn apart by militias. 4. Throw Al Qaeda out of Anbar. They weren't there at the start. 5. Keep Iran from dominating the Shi'ites. Another new problem. But here's what's constant.
http://zfacts.com/p/675.html | 01/18/12 07:17 GMT Modified: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 15:30:36 GMT