1. Cars and light trucks average 2.7 gallons per 100-miles per ton.
2. This is called fleet average Weight-Specific Fuel Use (WSFU).
3. Cars with higher fuel use would be penalized (wsfu - WSFU)*1000*P.
P = The price of gas, wsfu = the WSFU for the specific car.
1000 is used because cars travel roughly 100-miles x 1000,
so the penalty equals the extra cost of fuel for the penalized car.
4. The total charge to all car makers is TC.
7. The per-Car refund (PCR) is TC/(total Cars sold in US).
8. Each Car maker is refunded PCR times the # of cars it sold.
http://zfacts.com/p/596.html | 01/18/12 07:27 GMT Modified: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 07:12:17 GMT