Corn and Cellulose Ethanol Links
General Ethanol Sites
DOE, Renewable & Alternative Fuels
Alt. Fuels data: Ethanol ♦ Net Energy Balance ♦ Ethanol, general
DOE, Biomass news ~2 items/week ♦ history, subsidies
USDA reports on renewable energy
Wikipedia Ethanol Fuel
National Renewable Energy Lab
UCB Energy Research Group's Meta-Model
Ethanol, Gasoline & Corn Prices
1982-now ethanol-gas wholesale
A Better List of State Prices
Wholesale Ethanol, 9 states
EPA Fuel Economy &diams Data
Corn prices
Ethanol Production and Consumption
Up-to-date Historic Fuel ethanol production
DTN ethanol center
Renewable Energy Consumption, Table 2. Shows ethanol/yr in Quads
The Ethanol Lobby
RFA, national trade association for the U.S. ethanol industry
"grassroots voice of the U.S. ethanol industry" research page
Ethanol subsidies and regulations
DOE's State & Fed Law database
IRS Rules for ethanol subisdy
Union of Concerned Scientists: Clean Energy Policies
Issue Brief for Congress , 2005, p. 14
corn subsidies for 1995--2003
Corn Subsidies, USDA
Farm Subsidy Database
Taxpayers against ethanol subsidies
1995--97 in Feed Outlook, 10.14.98
1998--2003 in Corn Supply and Use
Ethanol reports and papers
Cost & Benefits of Ethanol & Biodiesel, July 2006. == Most important.
—National Academy of Sciences. HTML ♦ PDF
Ethanol, the Complet Life-Cycle Picture, Dec. 2006. == slides; 2nd best study.
—Argonne National Laboratory. PDF
The economic feasibility of ethanol production, July 2006. == Industry & farm data.
—US Dept. of Agriculture. PDF
The Energy Balance of Corn Ethanol, an Update, 2002. == Most cited net energy ratio.
—US Dept. of Agriculture. PDF
The 2001 Net Energy Balance of Corn Ethanol, May 2004. == USDA fakes net energy
—US Dept. of Agriculture. HTML
Corn Outlook, May, 2005. == 10 year corn forecast. Ethanol drivers explained.
—US Dept. of Agriculture. HTML
Biofuels Analysis Meta-Model (Ethanol) 2006. == Compares 6 key studies. Adds its own.
—UC Berkeley, Energy & Resources Group.
Science article ♦ supporting material ♦ spreadsheet
http://zfacts.com/p/40.html | 01/18/12 07:17 GMT Modified: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:13:34 GMT