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Cheney's neocons, who bungled Iraq, still at it
Neocon groups in control of Iran policy
1. A new "Office of Special Plans" (OSP)
OSP was the group that cooked the "intellegence" to mislead Bush and the country into believing that Saddam had ties to 9/11, and Iraq had chemical and was extremely close to having nuclear weapons. (It's nuclear program had been dead more than 10 years.)
The new OSP is the Office of Iranian Affairs (OIA) (aka Iranian directorate). It uses the same DOD offices and includes three former members of OSP.
2. Cheney's new Iran Operations Group
An inter-agency group of neocons set up initialy under Elizabeth Cheney (Cheney's daughter), called the Iran-Syria Operations Group (more ISOG), was set up in early 2006, and is now extremely active. The new ISOG director is moving to Cheney's Office.
  Cheney rejected Iran's reformist president
Now we have crazy-man Ahmadinejad

In 2003, Iran offered, among other things, to end support for Lebanese and Palestinian militant groups and to help stabilize Iraq following the US-led invasion.

"We thought it was a very propitious moment to do that," Lawrence Wilkerson (one of the then Secretary of State Colin Powell's top aides) told Newsnight. "But as soon as it got to the White House, and as soon as it got to the Vice-President's office, the old mantra of 'We don't talk to evil'... reasserted itself."
April 2006  Analyis of neocons' Iran agenda.
  zFact:Neocons targeted Iran as soon as the US took Baghdad
"The focus of the global fight against terrorism should be placed squarely on Iran"
Michael Ledeen, April 30, 2003
Ledeen also claimed It was likely Iran would test nuclear devices by September 2003, and encouraged an invasion by listing as lessons from Iraq: (1) the US military "performed better than expected", and (2) "when the US Marines went to Iran, they were welcomed by the people."

http://zfacts.com/p/287.html | 01/18/12 07:19 GMT
Modified: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 18:58:57 GMT
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