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The Iraq-War Nine

Dick Cheney’s Iraq-War Clique

Dick CheneyVice PresidentYes Yes
Paul WolfowitzAssistant Sect. of DefenseYes Yes
Donald RumsfeldSecretary of DefenseYes  
Scooter LibbyCheney’s Chief of StaffYes  
David WurmserCheney’s Middle-East Assistant Yes 
Douglas FeithUnder Sect. of Defense for Policy YesYes
Eliot AbramsDeputy Asst. to Bush on Middle EastYes  
John BoltonUnder Sect. of StateYes Yes
Richard PerleChairman of Defense Policy BoardYesYesYes
  • PNAC — Neoconservative think tank and lobby. Backed Iraqi regime change in 1998.
  • IASPS — “A Jerusalem-based think tank with an office in Washington, D.C.” Lobbied Israel for Iraqi regime change in 1996.
  • JINSA  — The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. Backed Iraqi regime change on 9/13/2001.

A more detailed list of the players can be found here: Iraq War Clique

Abrams:  Elliot Abrams, Deputy Assistant to G. W. Bush
1997, Signer of founding PNAC “Principles” with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Libby. 

Bolton:  John Bolton
Undersecretary of State. Signed PNAC Letters to Clinton (1998), Gringrich, Lott advocating Iraq War. 

Chalabi: Ahmed Chalabi
The Iraqi who conned the neocons and the CIA with fabricated evidence of weapons of mass destruction.

Fairbanks:  Charles Fairbanks
Paul Wolfowitz subordinate under Reagan.
Co-authored the IASPS “Clean Break” report with Feith, Perle and Wurmser.  

Kagan:  Robert Kagan
Co-founder with Kristol of PNAC the main neocon lobby.

Kristol:  William Kristol
Co-founder and chairman of PNAC. Son of neoconservative “godfather” Irving Kristol. 

Libby:  Scooter Libby, Cheney’s Chief of Staff
Indicted for revealing the identity of a CIA agent in 2005 in retaliation for her husband revealing fake WMD information.

Perle:  Richard Perle, Defense Policy Board Chairman
In 1996 brought IASPS “Clean Break” report, advocating Iraq war,  to Israeli Prime Minister. 

Rumsfeld: Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense. 


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