Joe Biden

Joe Biden is not the best politician. He’s too genuine and too decent. He’s also more in touch with middle America, so he gets attacked by the radicals. But Joe Biden is exactly who America needs. 

He’s worked with, and had the trust of, the Black community for fifty years, but he can still relate to the white community and specifically, a large segment of the white working class.

If you want to know who he is, take a look at him before he was a politician. At the age of 19, when civil rights was in the air and Kennedy had just been elected, Joe was not yet very political. So, with the civil rights movement going on, he just thought he should get to know some black people. To do this is became a lifeguard at a mostly black swimming pool. He still has very loyal friends from that time, and he has supported that black community from then on.

Biden’s No Racist — And Never Has Been

Left radicals, and those pandering to them, often charge Biden with racism for opposing certain types of school bussing and for writing the 1994 crime bill. This charge is despicable and based only on what deserves to be called “fake history.” (The radicals are well-meaning but ignorant of the facts.)

What they’re missing is that in both situations, Biden was working with the Black community and had their support.

Jim Baker, a former black mayor of Wilmington, said he urged Biden to actively fight the bussing plan — even if he had to work with racists.

The longtime president of the Wilmington N.A.A.C.P., who has known Mr. Biden since the 1960s, “Joe didn’t choose” the black community, Mr. Smith said. “We chose him.”

Myth: Racist, but “That was just the time”

Present-day radicals say “it is fair that if culture changes that you’re stuck with your past.” In other words, Biden was a cop-loving, drug-hating racist back then. But they partly excuse him by saying that our culture has changed, “that was just the time”

Those quotes are from a young Daily Kos radical talking about the 1994 crime bill, which he describes as an “excuse to put cops all over neighborhoods and public places to bust someone up, ruin their life over a $20 bag of mids.”

What he can’t possibly know is that most Blacks backed Biden’s crime bill, including 2/3 of the radical Black Congressional Caucus, most Black religious leaders and the big-city Black mayors.

If he knew that, his remark would imply those Blacks were all racists and just wanted to put cops all over the streets to ruin people’s lives. But he has just bought into a vicious left myth.

Another less self-righteous theory holds that they were all well-intentioned, just insanely wrong. Again, this view is based on fake history that claims the 1994 bill caused mass imprisonment and particularly targeted black people. 

Here are the facts:

  1. Mass imprisonment was started 20 years earlier by Nixon.
  2. The Black imprisonment rate increased fastest in the two years before Biden’s bill passes.
  3. That rate was immediately cut in half.
  4. Five years after passage, the Black imprisonment rate came to a halt.
  5. For Whites, the rate continued increasing for at least 15 years after the Black rate stopped increasing.
This does not prove the crime bill caused all of that, but it completely debunks the main points of the crime-bill myth. There’s no indication it made things worse or targeted Blacks. There were trade-offs to get essential Republican votes, and there were mistakes. But over-all, there’s no evidence that was a bad bill. The real problems lie with Republicans.

Violence in Black communities was extreme, and Blacks were right that the bill contained more good than bad. So was Joe Biden.


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Ripped Apart

The nation is ultra-polarized and that’s killing democracy and dragging the Democrats down. But did you know:

  • Ultra-left Democrats are accidentally helping Trumpism?
  • Their ideals are good but…
  • They’ve been mislead

Their conspiracy theories and slanders are spreading inside the party.  Reading this, people say: I knew that sounded wrong. Now I know why.

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