Don’t Fire-Up Trump’s base

George Will, a prominent conservative commentator for that last 50 years who now considers the Republican Party a cult, carries around a small card listing positions that Democrats have taken that will help Trump win.

So he understands the swing voter. He has become one. And he’s 100% on our side on the one issue that matters most: Out with Trump.

These, he says, are things “that cause the American public to say: ‘These people are weird, they are not talking about things that I care about.’”

  • Terrorists in prison should be allowed to vote.
  • End private health insurance.
  • Pack the Supreme Court
  • Abolish the Electoral College
  • ‘Green New Deal,’
  • Reparations for slavery.

“The country hears these individually,” says Will, “and they say, I’m not for that.”

It does not matter if these ideas are “good” or not if they help Trump get re-elected, and they cannot be passed even if we win. In that case, “good” just means “they would be good ideas if we lived in a different world.” But if they do harm in this world, well, it just does not make sense to call them “good.” What we need is progress, not ideas that prevent progress by handing Trump another four years.

Stay tuned, I will be adding to this list and perhaps pruning it, so we can focus on our most important mistakes.


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Ripped Apart

The nation is ultra-polarized and that’s killing democracy and dragging the Democrats down. But did you know:

  • Ultra-left Democrats are accidentally helping Trumpism?
  • Their ideals are good but…
  • They’ve been mislead

Their conspiracy theories and slanders are spreading inside the party.  Reading this, people say: I knew that sounded wrong. Now I know why.

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