July 4th weekend, when Trump counter-attacked the BLM demonstrators, Biden was ahead in the national presidential polls by 9.6%. Now, three weeks later he’s ahead by only 8.0% (see Nate Silver).
Sure, Trump’s federal
Nate Silver tracks all the polls, calculates their biases and accuracy, and then takes the perfect weighted average. He’s amazing. I use his average for “likely voters” because that’s what really matters.
On March 27, Trump’s approval
Trump is a populist like Hugo Chavez. Different agendas, but they use the same deceptions. Andrés Rondón learned in Venezuela which tactics feed populists and which undermine them. You should too. . . . .
Clinton has a 99.9% chance in California, and Trump, a 99.9% chance in Alabama. Some people think voting in those places doesn’t matter. Let me explain. This is not a normal democratic election.
Update: Political Scientist explain