Can Sanders Beat Trump?

Can Sanders Beat Trump?

First things first. Can any Democrat beat Trump? The polls say yes, but those are popular-vote polls and we know the popular vote doesn’t decide the election. So let’s take account of the Electoral College.


Are We Doomed?

Are We Doomed?

We shouldn’t be. A lot of Democratic programs are popular. No, I’m not talking about pie-in-the-sky promises. But down-to-earth policies like raise-the-minimum wage, save Obamacare, add a public option and a path to citizenship — those are

Democrats’ Circular Firing Squad?

Democrats' Circular Firing Squad?

Back in April, Obama warned us. And now it’s happened. Here’s what he said:

“One of the things I do worry about among progressives is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, ‘Uh, I’m sorry,

A post about gerrymandering -- how the 2020 election will determine how much Republicans can rig elections for the next decade.

Gerrymandering After 2020

A post about gerrymandering -- how the 2020 election will determine how much Republicans can rig elections for the next decade.

Gerrymandering After 2020

Using dirty tricks to take state legislatures in 2010, the GOP gerrymandered the next five US House elections. Plus this sets them up for winning states in 2020 with even worse consequences.

Democrats got Rat f**ked by

Progressive Wall Street Money? Soros Funded MoveOn

Progressive Wall Street Money?
Soros Funded MoveOn

George Soros

Sanders’ main support is MoveOn (7-million members). And progressive billionaire George Soros funded them to the tune of $1.46 million in 2004. MoveOn loved that money and no one ever hinted