Bernie Sanders?

Who is Bernie Sanders? On the surface, it seems obvious. He’s the democratic socialist who will deliver free healthcare of every kind from dental to mental, guaranteed jobs, 100% renewables, justice for everybody, and do it all by taxing the billionaires.

How can he do that? Since 1961 he has consistently called himself a socialist and he still does. Although, now he more often says “democratic socialist.” So what is this secret socialism sauce that can work such miracles? It’s his “political revolution” which seems to mean the 99%, or at least most of them, will vote for him and is people. Why? Because, well, … socialism! So what is socialism?

What’s Socialism? Not the Fire Deptartment. He didn’t used to, but now he tries his best to hide the fact that the whole point of socialism has always been to end capitalism. So to confuse his followers he’s claimed that the police and fire departments are socialist. That’s just B.S.

Is Sanders a Socialist? He’s now confused almost everyone into believing that he’s a democratic socialist and not a socialist. That’s like saying a Bartlet pear is not a pear. But if you’re not sure, read about DSA — the Democratic Socialist of America. He’s gotten 50,000 supporters to join them, without telling them it’s a 100% Marxist organization.

Does Sanders Lie? Unlike Trump, he doesn’t like to. He prefers to just mislead people with partial truths. But when he really needs to he does. To run in 2020 he had to say he would go all out to get Clinton elected, so he said that. But then he didn’t even do the easiest thing that might well have kept Trump out of the Whitehouse.

Sanders’ Deceptions. After his Super-Tuesday loss, Sanders started running ads showing him with Obama, and attacking Biden as if Sanders was the real Obama supporter. But in 2011, he was so anti-Obama that he planned to run in the 2012 presidential primaries against Obama. Had he done that, he would not have stood a chance, but history shows he probably would have denied our first black president a second term.

Sanders Beat Trump? He could if Trump did something stupider than he’s done in the last four years. More likely, he would end up like the other Trotskyite socialist that all the Berniecrats thought was the British version of Sanders and would pull off a socialist revolution. Jeremy Corbyn handed the Labour Party its worst loss since 1935.


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Ripped Apart

The nation is ultra-polarized and that’s killing democracy and dragging the Democrats down. But did you know:

  • Ultra-left Democrats are accidentally helping Trumpism?
  • Their ideals are good but…
  • They’ve been mislead

Their conspiracy theories and slanders are spreading inside the party.  Reading this, people say: I knew that sounded wrong. Now I know why.

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