COVID-19: The Leading Cause of Death?

According to CNN, a CDC “spokesperson” has just denied that COVID-19 has “become the leading cause of death in the nation.” He claimed it’s heart disease, which kills 647,457 per year. What’s that come to per day? Stick that in your calculator and divide by 365, and you get 1,774 deaths per day.

The COVID-19 death rate was over 2,000, yesterday April 10, and has been above 1,774 ever day for the last five days. 

I do think, and certainly hope, that COVID-19 will lose the race for all of 2020. But right now, COVID-19 is the leading cause of death in the U.S.

And when you add in the fact that NY has just found that almost as many people are dying at home, uncounted, as are dying in hospitals. COVID is probably in the lead by far. Would it be that hard for CNN to hire someone who could do division on a calculator? I heard the CDC is a little busy these days.


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