Trump Is Winning
Nate Silver is the best meta-pollster in the business. He follows every political pollster and learns their biases and accuracy. Then he weights their results accordingly and takes an average.
Today was a terrible day for Democrats. It’s hard to see the one-day changes on this, the 1,126th miserable day of Trump’s reign. But the numbers tell the story. His disapproval rating dropped 1.6% to 50.1%, the lowest it’s been since day 103. And his approval rating went up by 1.1% to 45.8%. Remember he won in 2016 with only 46% of the popular vote. (See Nate’s graph.)
If any of those who disapprove of Trump, disapprove of the Democratic candidate more, say because they will not vote for a socialist, well … that’s it. Game over. Eight years of Trump and America won’t be recognizable.
Trump got more popular on impeachment day, and more popular during the Senate trial. And now … Just remember, Pelosi didn’t want impeachment for this exact reason. And when she got forced into it, she warned that it could hurt our chances. But all along, even when there was far less of a case, the “Progressives” wanted to impeach.
They knew they couldn’t win. But they knew it was the “right thing to do” even if it did give Trump four more years. That’s how it is with all their positions. That’s why the radicals always set us back. Good intentions, but foolish strategies.
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