Obama vs. Clinton, 2008.
Why Clinton Can't Be V.P.
Back in January, Clinton could have been V.P. But now the Republicans are showing ads with Hillary saying:
“Senator McCain will bring a lifetime of experience to the campaign, I will bring a lifetime of experience and Senator Obama will bring a speech that he gave in 2002.”
Unfortunately there are dozens more where this came from—covering all the bases. As VP, these nasty little comments would make both of them look like idiots and gain far more attention than they will with Hillary off the stage. Has Clinton conceded?

Obama minus Clinton = 358
Obama leads by 8.7%.

See larger graph of
Obama's Delegate Lead
  No One in Michigan Was Allowed to Vote for Obama
They could only vote for Clinton. No write-ins were allowed. Hillary says that's completely fair. She should get all her delegates and Obama should get none. In the DNC vote, all of the independent members said that was wrong. Then all of Hillary's supporters backed away from it. Before the Michigan vote Clinton said "it's ... not going to count for anything." Watch her say it.  more >>
  Why Is Clinton Talking about Assassination ?
May 25, 2008. Explaining why she stays in, Clinton said: "We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California."
Obama generously labeled it a slip, but there's a lot more to it. (1) The statement was cooked up in March and used three times before. (2) Its use doesn't make sense. (3) She refuses to acknowledge, let alone regret, the implications of  more >>
  14% of Clinton's Indiana Voters Would Not Back Her in November
CNN's exit poll shows Clinton 14% of her voters would not vote for her if she ran against McCain in Novebmer. These voters want the Democrats to lose. more...
  30% of the West Virginia Democrats voted for Bush in 2004.
  14% of Clinton's Indiana Voters Would Not Back Her in November
CNN's exit poll shows Clinton would not get 14% of her own voters come November if the race was just between her and McCain. This means 14% of her voters want the Democrats to lose in November.
Never mind pulling in Obama's youth, independent and black voters.  Data.
How is this possible? Clinton's negatives, with help from Rush Limbaugh, are already bringing out the Republican vote and Reagan Dems to keep her in the race—so they can vote her down in  November—or so she will weaken Obama.  more...
  Some Are Just Fighters, Some Are Winners
Until Iowa, Hillary was my pick. Until Wisconsin, I thought her biggest problem was carrying Bill's baggage. But just as Bill convinced the blacks in South Carolina—who at first favored Clinton by 30 points—to switch sides, Hillary finally convinced me.
She's a fighter, and she's tough. And, she raised the biggest war chest ever seen in a primary. Had more name recognition, connections, campaign experience and was more feared than any primary candidate in history.
That's who Obama just beat. He beat the champs—two in one go.
A black man, who was 30 points behind Clinton for the black vote in January, who had a weird name and a flaming idiot for a pastor—he beat them and their $11.4 million of personal funds. And in every round, he let her hit first. How did he win? Respect. He respects his opponents, and a lot of us are tired of attack-dog politics. We want to see the country move forward.
Hillary's a fighter, but if I were her, I'd think of another claim to fame. And she has. She claims the vote of "hard-working Americans, white Americans." She's had a hundred chances to explain it. But she's a fighter and there are almost no black or Hispanic votes left in the last six primaries. So ... later, for that one.
She's right, of course, a few white Democrats won't vote for a black man, and she's done a bit to increase their numbers. But 14% of her voters in Indiana said they wouldn't vote for her in November. They're Limbaugh's voters.
Most white voters under 30 voted for Obama. The Democratic Party needs to grow—bring in the next generation, new ideas and independents. The mighty Clintons, with their $100 million income, and a plan to re-take the White House, should have been growing the Democratic Party for the last seven years. Obama is now doing that—at record speed.  Gallup graph.
  Clinton Tries to Trick Congressional Democrats
May 9, 2008. Clinton has reduced her claim to be the Democratic nominee to 9 power-point slides with statistics on 20 Congressional districts—that's 4% of the country. She cherry-picked these 20 from 32 districts where Dems picked up seats in 2006. But cherry picking is not the main deception.
She claims she can win better in November because she won 16 of her 20 hand-picked districts. But she "forgot" one thing.
She won in races without Republicans. She forgot—In November, it's not a Dem primary and the Republicans just might be voting—against her.
It just happens that Hillary is the best get-out-the-vote machine the Republicans ever dreamed of. Plus she loses the Independents to McCain. Not to mention people younger than 64. Did Clinton really forget there were Republicans?
  Clinton Helps OPEC while Talking Tough
May 6, 2008. “We’re going to go right at OPEC,” she said. “They can no longer be a cartel." But she knows she can't. The only one way to hit OPEC and Exxon is Use less gas! OPEC is afraid of that, and every year it praises Hillary's other policy—cutting the 18¢ US gas tax. Why? Low gas prices keep us addicted. OPEC knows that and so does Clinton. She's just playing politics. How to fight OPEC  ♦  OPEC's gas tax
  Clinton's Featured Story: A Health-Care Whopper
April 5, 2008. The woman was not refused treatment, did have insurance, and was the Manager of a Pizza Hut. But as Clinton tells it "The hospital said, 'Well, you don't have insurance.' She said, 'No, I don't.' They said, 'Well, we can't see you until you give $100.' She said, 'Where am I going to get $100?'"
Clinton's been claiming for five weeks that this is why the woman and her baby both died. As usual, Clinton has not admitted any error, but now "respects" the hospital which says she got it all wrong.
Over the last five weeks, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has featured in her campaign stump speeches the story of a health care horror: an uninsured pregnant woman who lost her baby and died herself after being denied care by an Ohio hospital because she could not come up with a $100 fee.
Clinton, known for her use of facts and details, had heard this from someone who heard it secondhand and had not checked any of it. Except for the two deaths, every important fact was wrong. She could have checked by simply phoning the non-profit hospital. Neither she nor her campaign ever took this simple step. The press and hospital tracked down the story.
The woman was not refused treatment and did have insurance, and was the Manager of a Pizza Hut. But as Clinton tells it "The hospital said, 'Well, you don't have insurance.' She said, 'No, I don't.' They said, 'Well, we can't see you until you give $100.' She said, 'Where am I going to get $100?'" full story in NYT
  March 6, 2008
Why Karl Rove & Rush Limbaugh Support Clinton
Rove, Bush's dirty trickster, gives Clinton & McCain lessons on how to smear Obama in his column today in the Wall St. Journal. Meanwhile Rush Limbaugh organized a substantial vote for Clinton by Texas Republicans who want to see "Obama bloodied up politically."
Do they like Hillary better than Barack? Hardly. Limbaugh is eager to hear the final "funeral music for her campaign." These are the strategist of what Hilary named the "vast right wing conspiracy." They've been after her for decades.
So what's up? It has to be this. They are so sure they can kill her in November, that they don't mind letting her win the primary. Rove at least, is a brilliant though diabolical strategist. If you think he is wrong and you know better, you had better think again.
Why are they so sure? Clinton knows and we don't. She's knows what's in her tax returns. But some of it is obvious. The anti-Clinton conspiracy is champing at the bit. But first they want her to kill Obama.
  Background news stories here.
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:19 GMT