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Strategy of Battle for Baghdad, 2006
 ♦ 179 captured, 25 killed, as of Aug. 12
 ♦ After checking each home— debris removal, trash collection
 ♦ Then fixing brakes in sewers and water mains
 ♦ Then "roll on in and employ those who are out of work."
  House-to-house search for illegal arms in Baghdad
Aug. 15, 2006
.  Source ::: AFP
    “Each home is allowed one Kalashnikov and one magazine. We try to record every weapon,” explains Captain Teddy Kleisner, a company commander from the 2nd Infantry Division.
  General: Trust key to Baghdad security
14 August 2006
. Story by Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service

BAGHDAD — Army Maj. Gen. James Thurman, commander of Multinational Division Baghdad, said forces have been concentrating on four major hot spots. Essentially, the concept calls on coalition and Iraqi forces to cordon off an area and search each street, house by house, Thurman said.

Multinational Division officials said the Iraqis, backed by coalition forces, have cleared 5,500 homes [<1% of Baghdad] in Doura [in a week]. "We have to clear those homes, protect them and build civil capacity," Thurman said. The civil work is key to getting the Iraqis to stop the cycle of tit-for-tat sectarian murders. Iraqi officials in Doura are clearing the garbage from the streets and dismantling illegal roadblocks, Thurman said. Iraqi police hold the area and Iraqi officials work to ensure the essential services - electricity, water and sewage - are working in those areas. Other local officials work to ensure economic opportunity in the area. "The Battle of Baghdad is about perception and building trust and confidence in the average citizen of Iraq," Thurman said.
  Forces to target 4 'hotspots' in Baghdad
Aug. 12, 2006, 10:23PM. By ROBERT BURNS AP Military Writer, Associated Press

Maj. Gen. James Thurman, commander of the Army's 4th Infantry Division, said the renewed push for stability began Aug. 7 in the Dora area of southwestern Baghdad, a notoriously violent part of the city. He said sweeps of Dora neighborhoods had captured 179 people thus far and killed 25 "terrorists."

The other three targeted districts are Mansour and the Ghazaliyah-Shula areas of western Baghdad and the Azamiyah area in the northeast, he said.
  Gen. Peter Chiarelli Discusses the Stryker Brigade Campaign
Aug. 8, 2006. ABC News story?id=2288564

BAGHDAD, Iraq. — - Lt. Gen. Peter Chiarelli, the commanding general of the multinational forces in Iraq: "... Really the only force in the United States Army, and I really believe this, the best, the most capable force to do that is the Stryker Brigade.

"Now, this is going to be a campaign like none other than you've ever participated in. We started in Dora yesterday and we cleared somewhere in the vicinity of about 4,000 homes. Not a single shot fired. Not a single incident. And the people basically said to us, 'We were expecting you two days ago.'

"They were happy to see us there. They went to bed last night with a cordon around their area -- a series of checkpoints and they knew that they were safe and secure. And that's what we are going to do throughout the city over time.

"But once we go in and cleared an area -- we'll roll in with all the quick-win projects, everything from debris removal from houses that have been knocked down to trash collection to going around finding point brakes for sewers and for water mains and fixing them.

"You'll go into areas of Baghdad that have no sewers whatsoever, just large standing puddles of sewage. And we'll be moving into those every day for the first 30 to 40 to 90 days, cleaning 'em up every day so the people have a sense of normalcy and safety in their neighborhoods. Then we'll roll on in and begin long-term projects to employ the people. My No. 1 goal is after you've completed the clearing of an area and continue to secure the area is to roll on in and employ those who are out of work. To pump some money into the economy, to get the businesses up and running that are in the local area and what we'll see is an expanding cordon around the city until, before too long, we've got the entire city cordoned and secure.

"Now, will that mean that there will be no more attacks? Absolutely not. There still will be -- there will be folks that are able to get in, but there will be fewer folks that will be able to get in and do that, No. 1, because we have the Strykers available and their tremendous maneuverability and capability and No. 2, because we think by that time we'll have the people of Bagdad on our side.

"They'll support their government. They'll support the legitimacy of their government, and they will help us ensure that we don't revert back to where we are today.

http://zfacts.com/p/473.html | 01/18/12 07:24 GMT
Modified: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 00:53:46 GMT
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