Fact from the Bush I Recession 2001
Jobs: This recession has surprised President's Council of Economic Advisers three times. Soon after 9/11 they predicted we would now have 140.9 million jobs. The next year, November 2002, they predicted 137.9 million, in 2003, 136.3 million. But we actually now have only 133.8 million (July 2005). Why didn’t those 7.1 million jobs show up?
The "gross" national debt is owed by the "General Fund," the part of the federal government funded by our income taxes. Other parts of the budget run surpluses (See debt clocks). The debt hit a 50-year low in 1981, and the White House predicts a 50 year high in 2007. (See graph.)
Dwight Eisenhower
Social Security: There are a few "Texas oil millionares" who want to abolish Social Security, and "they are stupid." There is no social security crisis. It's been adjusted every few years and it needs another simple adjustment. Read the document that started the privatization kick.
P.S. Had the social security privatizers won the day back in 1990, a lot of us would have had most of our social security benefits tied up in the stock market. As every investment adviser says, diversify! That means, put some in the stock market and some in a safe place like Social Security.

Pensions:  ERSAs, RSAs, LSAs, and IDAs. Will proposed changes help Americans to better accumulate financial assets?
  Taxes:  During World War II we spent the money on our troops. This time it was mostly spent on tax cuts for very wealthy Americans.  
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:22 GMT