Woke Racism

“It’s always an angry white man. Always,” said USA Today’s Race and Inclusion editor, Hemal Jhaveri, after the mass shooting in Boulder. But soon the police identified the shooter as Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, whose family emigrated from Syria. Jhaveri took down her tweet — a little too late.

Although no one said so, she was fired for racism. That particular offense is hard to overlook when you’re the Race and Inclusion editor. It’s worth noting right here, that “race and inclusion” and “equity and inclusion” positions are perhaps the crowing accomplishments of wokism, and Jhaveri is as woke as they come.

After thinking it over for four days, she posted on Medium that she was “responding to the fact that mass shooters are most likely to be White men.”

That’s technically true, but it’s about the best example of how to lie with statistics I’ve ever seen — just hang on. So I think more was going on than just “responding” to a statistic. Why start out with such a huge exaggeration — Always, a White man. Always! — unless you’ve got an ax to grind. And in her Medium post, she

  • brags about “publicly naming Whiteness as a defining problem.”
  • complains her firing was “about challenging Whiteness and being punished for it.”
  • says her tweets were to “challenge White supremacy.”

Now, what about her claim that most mass shooters are White men? Technically, that’s true. But Megan McArdle at the Washington Post looked into this and found that about 55% have been White men since 2006. But she also tells us that “about 67 percent of adult men in the United States are non-Hispanic Whites.” So Whites are under-represented among mass shooters. Whiteness is not the “defining problem,” that she is claiming it is. There is no indication at all that Whiteness causes mass shootings. What a racist idea.

However, McArdle’s research did turn up an explanation for Jhaveri’s belief. A raft of similar woke tweets jumped the gun and concluded the shooter was White, including one by Meena Harris, a niece of Vice President Kamala Harris. It turns out Jhaveri was just repeating a woke meme.

Now consider what she would have said if a White male co-worker had glimpsed a picture of an arson suspect, thought he looked a bit Black, and said, “It’s always an angry Black man. Always.” She would have called it racist White supremacy, and quite likely she would have been right.

And what if, the co-worker had thought it over for a few days, and said, OK, sorry for the exaggeration, but most arsonists are Black. Would she have said, Oh, OK, your off the hook? Of course not.

It doesn’t matter which race you slander, it’s still racism. Jhaveri would consider her own statements to be vicious racism if they were said about any other race. So by her own standards, she’s a racist, because she never took back her second deceptive claim.

I find it Ironic that Jhaveri feels she can speak for all people of color. She’s an Indian American and when we look up median incomes we find something quite remarkable; at least it surprised me. As of 2018, the median household income for Blacks was $41,511, and for Whites, it was $65,902. So far, that’s not surprising. But when it comes to Indian Americans, their median household income is $126,705. That’s not a typo, you can check it here.

In spite of being part of an ethnic group that is very nearly twice as economically successful as whites, and by far the most successful of any group in the U.S., and in spite of having achieved one of the top positions in America’s highest-circulation newspapers, Jhaveri feels oppressed and discriminated against. “I’ve also dealt with the constant micro-aggressions and outright racist remarks from the majority white staff.”

So why was she even hired? And why promoted from hockey-league sports writer to a high-profile editor position if the majority of the staff was so hostile as to commit “constant micro-aggressions and make outright racist remarks” against her? What we have here is a case of the victim culture that wokism is famous for. The greater the victimhood you can lay claim to, the higher your status in the woke community.

When you’re high up in the ethnic group that earns double what whites earn, it can be hard to convince people that whites are oppressing you. But claiming mass shooters are always white men is not a bad first step. Just maybe don’t do that if you’re the anti-racism editor.


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1 year ago

A woke person like this would call me racist for even pointing this fact out–character is MORE important than skin caller. From a true Christian standpoint, every last one of us is a sinner. Those sinners going to Heaven are saved by God’s grace and His gift of HIs son on the cross and all we need to do is accept that gift. I am not any better than any other sinner on this earth, I just accepted the free gift that was offered. All this to point out–skin color means nothing. Skin color does not affect your character. What affects your character are your indivdual beliefs and your choices. Those are thing you can control. These people that do these shootings are sick individuals and skin color has NO bearing on whether they would do it. Its their mental thinking and what they believe that has led them to it.

1 year ago

Why even talk about race after a mass shooting? Why is everything linked to race? People die in shootings. Why not talk of that instead? Who cares what race the shooter is? Is the shooter-criminal society now racist? What should we do? Hand guns to black people, women, lgbtqxxxxxxx people and ask them to shoot people for equal representation and “diversity”?

1 year ago

And what of the countless number of black men who sell drugs? We don’t say that only black people sell drugs. What about south asians and middle eastern people? We got angry when people avoided us during 9/11 didn’t we?

1 year ago

I am a south asian. This woman is disgusting and is a disgrace to her family and asians in general. We soth asians are known for being resilient and overcoming societal injustices by sheer intelligence and hardwork. We were mocked for our skin, food, clothes and accent by all westerners regardless of race. But we put our head down and studied hard. We are now one of the richest and most successful because of hard work and familial support. This Jhaveri lady is prejudiced and coddled. She has no right to criticize white people in general when even the black people mock south asians.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anne

I apologise for the mistakes:

#1* south NOT soth
#2* we put our heads down NOT head

Jim Connor
3 years ago

Wokeism is a lazy ( if not “cheap” ) way of attacking folk with which you do not agree (with ) politically or socially.
zFacts reply: That’s strange. “ism” just means an ideology, which can be good or bad. Do you think “capitalism,” “socialism,” “populism,” “Catholicism,” etc. are all “cheap” attacks? You need to pay attention to the substance, but perhaps you consider yourself “woke” so you’ve got everything figured out.

3 years ago

while i agree in general with that post (or more specifically that ‘woke culture’ or ‘wokism’ is just sloppy, a slogan and/or ideology used to make money) the view that mass shootings are not primarily done bgy white males mostly applies if you define a mass shooting to include any shooting with more than 4 or 5 victims –eg inner drive by shootings, and gang related violence). These are basically mafia-style conflict.

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