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   Get Fancy: Custom Font Size and Colors


Just copy the code below to your HTML page to get the clock above. Read instructions below the code if you what to make your own modifications.

Custom Changes

Here are all the ways to customize the Simple Social Security Clock. You can change all of the parameters below. The variables must be inside <script> tags as shown above.
  0. the Question: Just type in a new one.
1. zWidth: The width of the frame in pixels. Default = 180.
2. zSpeed: Clock ticks per second. Default = 5.
3. zFontSize: The font size for bottom 2 rows in pixels. Default = 12.

Colors can be "black", "blue", "green", "white" etc. or #000066 for dark blue, etc. See here for details.

4. zFontColor: Font color except for National Debt (red). Default = black (#000000).
5. zColor1: Background color of 1st row.
6. zColor2: Background color of 2nd row. Default = white (#FFFFFF).
7. zColor3: Background color of 3rd row. Defaults to pale red (#FFEEEE).

8. Font size of question: Use something like style="font-size:12px;" in the <td> tag as shown.

9. Height of top row: Use something like "height=30" in the <tr> tag.
10. Link to zFacts: You can put the link anywhere in your whole page, but it must link to the same zFacts page, it must include id='zF' and it must link some text.
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http://zfacts.com/p/50.html | 01/18/12 07:20 GMT
Modified: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 21:58:29 GMT