Customize the Standard Republican Debt Clock
The Standard Clock, with title and dollar-counter, is "type=2". This must be set as it is not the default. The list below shows:
1. all the parameters that can be set (param)
2. their default values (DV)
3. other values they can take (after the "|")
4. Shown like so: param = DV; | all allowed values
type = 1; | 0, 1, 2, 0=raw counter, 1=counter in iFrame
cps = 8; | 0.1 -- 20, Clicks per second
cents = 0; | 0, 1 1= show cents
size = M; | S, M, L Small, medium, large
title = 1; | 1, 2, 3 1=Republican, 2=Reagan-Bushes', 3=Supply-Siders'
width = ?; | 50 -- 800 Width in pixels, default depends on "size"
height = ?; | 30 -- 200 Height in pixels, default depends on "size"
topColor = #CCF; | 000 -- FFF, black, red, etc. Top Background color
botColor = #FFF; | 000 -- FFF, etc. Bottom (counter) background color
borderColor = #000; | 000 -- FFF, etc. Outer line around clock
titleColor = #00F; | 000 -- FFF, etc. Title-font color
debtColor = #F00; | 000 -- FFF, etc. Debt-number font color
infoColor = #FFF; | 000 -- FFF, etc. Help-info font color
titleSize = 12; | 8 -- 80, Title font size in pixels
debtSize = 13; | 8 -- 80, Debt-number font size in pixels
infoSize = 10; | 6 -- 20, Help-info font size in pixels
Any parameter value that is specified over-rides its default value.
Parameters do not need to be on separate lines, but do need to be separated by semi-colons, this thing " ; ".
http://zfacts.com/p/1187.html | 01/18/12 07:20 GMT Modified: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 00:03:27 GMT