How Trading Permits Saves Money
Say it would cost one utility $10 to cut emissions by a ton and that it would cost another utility $50 to cut emissions by a ton. So the utility with the high cleanup cost buys a one-ton permit from the other utility for $30. This saves the buyer $20 because it doesn’t have to spend $50 to cut emissions. The seller makes $20-$30 on the permit it sells, less $10 to clean up an extra ton. So both companies come out ahead, and that’s why they do it.
But notice that cleaning up a ton for $10 instead of $50 has reduced total cleanup costs. Economists have done the math to show that if companies make every profitable trade, cleanup costs are minimized. That saves consumers as much as possible.
http://zfacts.com/p/1025.html | 01/18/12 07:29 GMT Modified: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 18:20:14 GMT