// "here document" dump of JS. (no comment on 1st or last echo-END lines) Allows substitution makeG26_2( 2 ); // Call the function that does everything. (purpose = to keep all JS varibles local.) function makeG26_2 ( id ) { // Define the function that does everything. id is a private JS variable equal to 2. var z = "https://zfacts.com/giz/G26/"; // These are all JS variables in a JS program // http => https on June 25, 2019. var GND_URL = z + "GND.php"; var type1URL = z + "GND_clock1.js"; var type2URL = z + "GND_type2.html"; var type3URL = z + "GND_type3.html"; var rLink = document.getElementById( "zf26_" + id ); // link to replace. Hopefully this can't be to soon to findit. var cID = 'G26_2'; // e.g. cID = "G26_1" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Gizmo-specific variable names var j, k; var type, tickrate, size, cents, width, height, titleBold, debtBold, title, titleBgClr, titleColor, titleSize, debtBgClr, debtColor, debtSize, flip, downShift, borderColor, infoSize; var user_prams = new Array( "type", "tickrate", "cents", "size", "width", "height", "titleBold", "debtBold", "title", "titleBgClr", "titleColor", "titleSize", "debtBgClr", "debtColor", "debtSize", "flip", "downShift", "borderColor", "infoSize"); var uPStr = rLink.getAttribute('rel'); // get user Param string from span title if (uPStr) eval_uPStr(uPStr); // Evaluate variables in user parameter string type = setPrmOne( type, '3', ['1', '2', '3'] ); // 0 = no iframe, 1 = tiny iframe, 2 = standard iframe w/ box tickrate= setPrmRng( tickrate, 3, [0.01, 16] ); // clicks/sec cents = setPrmOne( cents, '0', ['0', '1'] ); // show cents size = setPrmOne( size, 'M', ['S', 'M', 'L'] ); var dflt; var siz = "SML".indexOf(size); // siz = 0, 1 or 2. if (type=='2') dflt = [102, 126, 160][siz]; // Small, Medium, Large if (type=='3') dflt = [114, 134, 175][siz]; width = setPrmRng( width, dflt, [50, 500] ); // iFrame width if (type=='2') dflt = [14, 17, 22][siz]; if (type=='3') dflt = [32, 37, 45][siz]; height = setPrmRng( height, dflt, [10, 125] ); // iFrame height title = setPrmOne( title, '1', ['1', '2', '3'] ); // 0 = no iframe, 1 = tiny iframe, 2 = standard iframe w/ box titleBgClr = setPrmOne( titleBgClr, '#EEE', [] ); titleColor = setPrmOne( titleColor, '#55F', [] ); dflt = [10, 12, 14][siz]; // Small, Medium, Large titleSize = setPrmOne( titleSize, dflt, [] ); titleBold = setPrmOne( titleBold, 0, [0, 1] ); debtBgClr = setPrmOne( debtBgClr, '#FFF', [] ); debtColor = setPrmOne( debtColor, '#900', [] ); dflt = [10, 13, 17][siz]; debtSize = setPrmOne( debtSize, dflt, [] ); debtBold = setPrmOne( titleBold, 0, [0, 1] ); flip = setPrmOne( flip, 0, [0, 1] ); dflt = [1, 3, 5][siz]; downShift = setPrmRng( downShift, dflt, [-10, 20] ); borderColor = setPrmOne( borderColor, '#000', [] ); dflt = [9, 12, 15][siz]; if (info()) return; // Check for link // ------------------------------------------------------- Cleans User Params, and uppercase them function eval_uPStr(uPStr) { // Cleans the string, and then evaluates legit variables uPStr = uPStr.replace(/[^;=\w\#\.\/]/g,''); // Replace Not chars [ a-z A-Z 0-9 ; = # . / ] with nothing => no quotes var p1s = uPStr.split(';'); var cleaned = ""; var side = []; for (j=0; j -1) continue; // skip comments. side = p1s[j].split('='); for (k=0; k any choice OK if (typeof(param)=='undefined') return dflt; // The default value if (typeof(choices[0])=='undefined') return param; // if no alternatives listed accept any pname value return eval(pname); for (j=0; j var spn = document.createElement("span"); // span to replace link spn.setAttribute('id', cID); rLink.parentNode.replaceChild(spn, rLink); // Replace required link with Gizmo if ( typeof(isClk26)=='undefined' ) { isClk26=1; // Global (not 'var'ed) so the next make-function can check if clock is loaded var s1 = document.createElement( 'script' ); s1.setAttribute( "type", "text/javascript" ); s1.setAttribute( "src", type1URL ); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s1); // puts Gizmo script for in html head } var dlay=100; function waitClk() { // Wait for s1 with clock1 Object to show up if (typeof(clockObj)=='function') { finish(); return; } if ((dlay = dlay*1.3) > 5000) return; // give up after about 27 second setTimeout(waitClk,dlay); } function finish() { var clkG26_2 = new clockObj(); clkG26_2.goClock(cID, tickrate, 1, cents); // 1=> dollar sign } waitClk(); return; } uPStr = ""; var x; for (k=0; k https on June 25, 2019. var script = document.createElement('script'); // Start a script script.src = file + '&domain=' +document.domain+ '&location=' +document.location; // Script to call reco with local info script.type = 'text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0).appendChild(script); // Puts the JS scrip into document head. It runs. } } // end make