War on Iran: Bush is preparing for bombing
(By Israel, or by the US? He will need an "incident" if by the US.)
War Plans.  Bush is a failure with nothing to lose, so he's going for broke.
Jan 19, 2007.  2nd aircraft carrier heads for Iran.
Patriot missiles and mine sweepers on the way. Plan: Bombing air defenses and nuclear infrastructure. Perhaps a nuclear first strike.
Iran Threat.  Ahmadinejad will self destruct long before Iran gets the bomb.
Jan 21, 2007.  Iran's supreme leader reins in Pres. Ahmadinejad.
Iran will not have the bomb for several years. When it does it will still have 100,000 times less (literally) firepower than Russia had for years--and they were more threatening to us.
Consequences.  Iraq was a basket case. Attacking Iran will be more costly.
Attacking Iraq will delay their bomb, though Israel's attack on Iraq's bomb may have speed it up. Their are two main factions in Iraq and the attack would strengthen Ahmadinejad, the crazy one. It will inflame Iraq.
Neocons.  Cheney and his neocons are still at it
A new "Office of Special Plans" in the DOD. They cooked Iraq "intelligence."
A new Iran-Syria Operations Group (ISOG) under the Cheneys (father & daughter).
New revelation (1/18/07) that Cheney rejected Iran concession in 2003.
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:20 GMT