Clinton's "Solutions"
  Thursday, Feb. 14, 2008
Policy Twins: Clinton = Obama on Substance
"That's the difference between me and my Democratic opponent. My opponent makes speeches. I offer solutions," Clinton said. But she was, of course, just "offering solutions" in a speech.
From the Washington Post:
Clinton and Obama both promised that they would make the tax code more middle-income-friendly and would protect consumers from threats -- including predatory credit card companies and rapacious college lenders. Both candidates condemned corporate tax breaks that they say send jobs overseas. Both pledged to protect homeowners and said they would repeal President Bush's upper-income tax cuts while extending those for the middle class. Both promised to rein in credit card companies that arbitrarily raise interest rates, sending families into a downward spiral of debt.
"I've been looking for ways to differentiate these two, and it hasn't been easy," said Jared Bernstein, an economist at the liberal Economic Policy Institute. This week's economic speeches do not "make it a whole lot easier," he added.
Despite the similarities, Clinton, eager to generate positive news about her campaign, went on the offensive during her tour of an automotive plant. She sharpened her line of attack against Obama and what she argues is his lack of substance.
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:24 GMT