Administration Says "There were no

Wolfowitz: WMD Was a Reason of 'Government Bureaucracy'
May 9, 2003
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
Q: Was that one of the arguments that was raised ...  the relationship between Saudi Arabia, our troops being there, and bin Laden's rage ... ?
Wolfowitz: I think it happens to be correct. The truth is that for reasons that have a lot to do with the U.S. government bureaucracy we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on which was weapons of mass destruction as the core reason, but -- hold on one second... [Interupted by DOD attorney].
CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq
Apr. 25, 2005,  by Associated Press, MSN/NBC
The CIA is so sure that it recommends freeing detainees held for weapons knowledge.
Wolfowitz Pentagon transcript
May 27, 2003
Rumsfeld: "It is also possible that they decided that they would destroy them prior to a conflict.  And I don't know the answer, ..."

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Kenneth Adelman, a member of a Pentagon advisory board who had predicted weapons would be found a month ago. "There will certainly not be the quantity and proximity that we thought of before." Adelman says Hussein may even have launched "a massive disinformation campaign to make the world think he was violating international norms, and he may not have been."

Gary Schmitt, of the pro-invasion Project for the New American Century, said investigators "may well not find stockpiles, because it may well be that Saddam figured out it was better to get rid of the stuff" and start over after inspectors left.
Blix: Iraq Probably Free of WMD Before War
"As far as I know the Iraqi authorities who are in custody have so far not revealed that the country still had arms," said Dr. Blix, adding that much of the intelligence which Washington and London used to justify the war on Iraq was shaky, including information which was provided to the United Nations weapons inspectors in Iraq to help them in their search for weapons..."We were told of locations where we may find banned weapons. We went there and only in three of them did we find anything of interest, and even then they were not weapons of mass destruction," he said..."We concluded that the information provided by the intelligence services of the United States and other nations was not solid." June 5, 2003.
Jun. 5, 2003 
Washington Post reports that Cheney's frequent CIA visits left many analysts feeling pressured to conform their analyses to Administration policy. - more
Cheney Visits toCIA  (72k PDF)
Jun. 8, 2003 
UK Independent: Spies threaten Blair with 'smoking gun' over Iraq.  Senior intelligence officers kept secret records of meetings after pressure from No. 10.
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Jun. 5, 2003 
WSJ:  Last fall, the CIA said Iraq was working on obtaining nuclear weapons -- a finding Bush began trumpeting. But one important fact was kept secret: "Whole agencies ... were in disagreement" ..., says Greg Thielmann, a  State Department official responsible for Iraq until retiring last fall. - more
Jun. 4, 2003 
Claire Short, former UK Cabinet member, said that she had been told by "three very, very senior figures in Whitehall" that Mr Blair had agreed last summerto go to war on February 15.  She said she was convinced that intelligence information exaggerated the wmd threat. - more
Jun. 1, 2003 
The Times reports confidential memos suggest British intelligence dossiers were edited for political purposes.
May 29, 2003 
US to send 1,400 more experts to find wmd in Iraq. - more
May 4, 2003 
Rumsfeld: "I never believed that we'd just tumble over weapons of mass destruction in that country."
May 1, 2003 
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity ask for inquiry into intelligence cooked for political purposes
- more
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