The Latest Neocon Spy?

Background article on Franklin case
  Lawrence A. Franklin is a Pentagon analyst and specialist on Iran who works in Douglas Feith's office. He is suspected of turning over to Aipac (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) documents on proposed administration policy toward Iran.

A New York Times story (9/6/04) by James Risen and David Johnston, explains the connection in this manner:
"...critics of the Pentagon hard-liners have repeatedly argued that Mr. Wolfowitz, Mr. Feith and others have used the Sept. 11 attacks as a pretext to pursue issues that in some ways mirror the interests of Israel's conservative Likud government."

One piece of evidence repeatedly cited by the critics is a 1996 paper issued by the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, an Israeli think tank, calling for the toppling of Saddam Hussein in order to enhance Israeli security. Entitled "A Clean Break," the 1996 paper was intended to offer a foreign policy agenda for the new Likud government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Among those who signed the paper were Mr. Feith; David Wurmser, who later worked for Mr. Feith at the Pentagon and now works for Vice President Dick Cheney; and Richard Perle, a leading conservative who previously served as chairman of the Defense Policy Board, a group of outside consultants to Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld."

Profile of Larry Franklin
A brief resume and summary of his contacts.
Spy Case Renews Debate Over Pro-Israel Lobby's Ties to Pentagon
Concerning the entanglements of DOD, Aipac, the neo-cons, Iraq and Iran which might overlap with the Chalabi investigation.
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:28 GMT