Bush Poised to Stake His All on Iraq Victory
Jan 6, '07  DEBKAfile Exclusive Report.     (Note this is 4 days before Bush speech.)
  The Stennis strike group adds 16,000 to the 21,500 Bush announced
Adm. William J. Fallon, 62, one of the toughest and most hawkish US military leaders, takes over from Gen. John Abizaid as commander of the US central command.

The USS John C. Stennis strike group heading for the Persian Gulf puts a total of 16,000 US sailors in the region as well as another nuclear carrier and 7 escort warships, 10 air squadrons, 2 submarines and helicopters to support amphibious landings on enemy soil. The Stennis group has a high capability for sowing sea mines across broad stretches of water, thus threatening to disable the Iranian army and corking up its oil export outlets.

Israel might face extreme danger should Tehran and Damascus target the Jewish state in retaliation for US strikes.

Bush's motive
President Bush’s willingness to go all the way in Iraq, say DEBKAfile sources in Washington, is prompted by a simple line of reasoning. If it ends in victory, he will end his presidency on a high note and be able to boast that American doggedness and courage prevailed over the enemy in the long haul. If the US armed forces fail to deliver, Bush will be in exactly the same position as he is today, namely, heading for the history books as the American president who lost the Iraq war and the struggle against terror.
full story

poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:25 GMT