Part 3.  Chapter 6:
Coal with Carbon Capture
When did the first coal-fired power plant begin pumping all of it's CO2 into the ground for permanent storage?
The Dept. of Energy predicts new electricity generating coal capacity equivalent to 174 nuclear plantes (174 GW) by 2030 (note). That will increase US coal use by about 2/3. This ignores the fact that at $40/barrel (some say less) it pays to make gasoline from coal as the Nazis did all during WWII. Montana's governor is already proposing a $2.5 billion conversion plant.

Coal is almost pure carbon, while natural gas has 4 hydrogen atoms for every carbon atom. Consequently, energy from coal releases almost twice as much global-warming CO2.
The Peak Oil confusion unraveled
The peak-oil myth: Oil production will soon fall off while demand continues to increase. The resulting shortages will disrupt the world and kill millions, perhaps billions.
zFact:The price of oil will rise, cause a switch to coal and prevent the shortages. This will make global warming worse.
For a complete explanation read this short chapter, Peak Oil vs. Global Warming from zFacts' new Clean Energy Policy book.
The world is getting warmer, and most of the cause is almost certainly CO2. We don’t know the consequences, but see hurricanes.
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:21 GMT