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Maliki:  Shi'ite leader, Prime Minister
  zFact:Maliki, supposedly our man in Baghdad, is a fundamentalist Shi'ite. He's the #2 man in the Islamic Dawa Party. Their first two principles are, (1) Absolute sovereignty belongs to Allah. (2) Islamic injunctions are the basis of legislation. The party fled to Iran in 1982, and returned after the US invasion. In 1993 it bombed the American and French embassies in Kuwait.
  zFact:Maliki's main success have been in thwarting the US
Since the start of Operation Together Forward in late July, each time the US has attempted to restrain the Muqtada Sadr's Mahdi Army, Maliki has criticized the US or more recently reversed the US initiatives. Here are some examples.

 Oct. 31, Maliki orders US checkpoints removed from Sadr City.
 Oct. 25, Maliki says "not much concerned" with US timetable.
 Oct. 25, Maliki says US capture of death squad commander "will not be repeated."
 Oct 18, Maliki orders US to release Sadr aide.
 Aug. 8, Maliki says he is very sorry for US raid on Mahdi death squad."

His strategy has been to stall for time (which is why Bush wants a timetable), to defend Sadr's Mahdi army, and to wait for the US to finish training and equipping his army and police, which are mostly under Shi'ite control. Then he says he wants the US to leave, and he will put and end to the violence, by which he means he will defeat the Sunnis.

zFact:Joint Bush-Maliki statement from Oct 28: "We have three common goals: accelerating the pace of training the Iraqi Security Force, Iraqi assumption of command and control over Iraqi forces, and transferring responsibility for security to the Government of Iraq."

The Iraq government is run by three Shiite parties (1) SCIRI, which is closely tied to Iran, (2) Maliki's party, a cousin of SCIRI, and (3) Sadr's party which is strongly anti-US. All are Shi'ite extremists much like those in Iran and often more heavy handed.

http://zfacts.com/p/560.html | 01/18/12 07:20 GMT
Modified: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 00:50:06 GMT
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