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   Neocon FAQs

  What are Neocons?
Neo-conservatives are so named because many used to be liberals. Their "godfather" Irving Kristol, started out as a communist in the 1940's. In the 1970--90's they were staunch anti-communists, but also focussed on domestic policy. The new current generation of neocons, lead by Irving's son William, editor of the leading neocon magazine, The Weekly Standard is primarily focussed on foreign plolicy, particularly the Middle East, and Iraq.

PNAC, the main neocon lobby, was founded in 1997 by W. Kristol and Kagan, and its statement of principles signed by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and several others in and outside the Bush Administration. PNAC's first public action was a letter to Clinton arguing for the Iraq war (January, 1998).

While a very small group, neocons have had enormous influence foreign policy because Cheney was able to bring a large number into top Administration positions, because 9/11 gave them the excuse they needed, and because their patron Rupert Murdoch (who funds The Weekly Standard) also owns Fox News, which serves of a platform for neocons pundits.

See Why Iraq? and Neoconservatives

  Concerning Anti-Semitism in the Neocon Debate
Any discussion of the neocons and their role in the Iraq war raises the question of anti-Semitism. Many neocons are Jewish and many are not. Both groups are concerned for Israel. Some may oppose the neocons because many are Jewish.  But we at zFacts consider this anti-Semitism and despicable.  We find common cause with American Jews, a strong majority of whom oppose the Iraq war and do not support the neocons.
Most American Jews (75%) Do Not Support Bush (or Neocons)
Although the neocons claim to support Israel, along with the decline in electoral support for Bush [to 24%] has come a jump in the proportion of American Jews who disapprove of the Iraq war — from 54% to 66%.
  How Has Halliburton (Cheney was CEO 1995-2000) Done During the War?
Halliburton moved from No. 19 on the Army's list of its top 50 contractors
in fiscal 2002 to No. 1 in 2003. --Wahington Post, Sept. 17, 2004
  Who are the leading neocons (neo-conservatives)?
Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz are most famous, but see Who's Who and Neocon Think Tanks.
  Are Neocons Republicans?
In the 1970s many worked for Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson, an extremely anti-communist Democrat. In the 1980's, they became Republican.
  Are Neocons Conservatives?
No. Irving Kristol, the "neocons' godfather" says the "political purpose of neoconservatism [is]: to convert the Republican party, and American conservatism in general, against their respective wills, into a new kind of conservative politics suitable to governing a modern democracy." According to Kristol, neocons see "the growth of the state" as "natural and inevitable," prefer "strong government" Neocons also favor nation building and empire.
  How So Many Neocons Get Into Key National Security Positions?
Dick Cheney. Neocons say he fought Powell to put Rusfeld in charge of DOD, and to put Wolfowitz second. They in-turn, brought in more. Cheney also brought a bunch into the White House as his staff.
Missile Defense, Not Terror, Was Bush's 'Most Urgent Threat' Pre-9|11
Global Security Newswire
"In a major address four months before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush declared the potential threat of ballistic missile attacks the "most urgent threat" facing the United States and his administration acted accordingly."
PNAC || Cheney on Missle Defense

http://zfacts.com/p/513.html | 01/18/12 07:19 GMT
Modified: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 18:32:58 GMT