Comprehensive oil-industry study finds Arctic oil reserves are only about one quarter the size previously thought, and that Alaska is not of strategic importance to the US, but is a lucrative niche market for "established players" who should earn more than a 20% annual return because of low competition.
  Bush and Katrina
March 11th, 2006 7:29 pm by Steve Stoft

Bush videos show he had clear warnings before Katrina The videos prove Bush was warned the breach of the levees was "obviously a very grave concern." Four days later he told the press "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." In fact the levee problems had been a major topic in the New Oreans press for years, and it was public knowledge that were at great risk from a major hurricane.

The point is a simple one. When everyone knows the 4th worst hurricane in the history of Atlantic storms is about to hit the most vulnerable American city--the only one built on the coast and below sea level, the president should not be spending the day at a birthday party, at the El Mirage RV park in Arizona, and at Rancho Cucamonga in California. (Click for White House pictures.)

Unless he views his leadership as worthless, he should have been providing leadership on the second most crucial day of his presidency and the one on which he was most predictably needed.  This is not a matter of liberal or conservative ideology, this is just a matter of showing up for work.
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:19 GMT