Think Tanks etc.

The Institute for Policy Studies
The nation’s oldest multi-issue progressive think tank.
OMB Watch
Promoting government accountability and citizen participation in public policy decisions.
The Century Foundation
Economics and Inequality, Retirement Security, Health, Education, etc.
National Priorities
Offering tools and resources to shape federal budget and policy priorities which promote social and economic justice.
Moving Ideas
Analysis and research from the progressive community.
Poli Sci Resources, US Politics, U. of Michigan
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Non-proliferation, Iraq, etc.
Creative, bipartisan policy research and proposals.
Drum Major Institute for Public Policy
Progressive domestic policy ideas.
Pew Research Center
Strong on International Polls.
The Center for Strategic & International Studies
Foreign Policy In Focus
Progressive think tank. (for employees but covers insider politics)
Government's business news daily.
Anti Military Marine reports on Military
Columbia International Affairs Online
American Studies Online (British)
Cato Institute's Complete List of Research and Educational Institutes
Right Wing Conservative and Neo-con Think Tanks
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:19 GMT