Michael Ledeen, Niger and Iran

  Michael Ledeen, neocon point man on Iran
Fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute; National Review Online, JINSA. PhD from the University of Wisconsin, where he specialized in the comparative history of German and Italian fascism.

Ledeen is a former employee of the Pentagon, the State Department and the National Security Council where, as a consultant working with NSC head Robert McFarlane, he was involved in the transfer of arms to Iran during the Iran-Contra affair. He has worked with Feith, Perle, the arms dealer Ghorbanifar, and Chalabi. Ledeen's ideas are quoted daily by such figures as Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz.

"Change -- above all violent change -- is the essence of human history."
  Ledeen himself waltzing around the subject of the yellow cake forgeries - maybe I did; maybe I didn't. Maybe I know who...

Machiavelli's Iron Rules
"We can lead by the force of high moral example ... [but] fear is much more reliable, and lasts longer. Once we show that we are capable of dealing out terrible punishment to our enemies, our power will be far greater."

Stuck in the quagmire. Let's try again.
Oct. 5, 2004
Michael Ledeen
"We're still stuck in the strategic quagmire we created [Iraq]. Up to our throats. So let's try again to get it right." (more)

Crappy little country and throw it against the wall
Michael Ledeen, Freedom Chair, at American Enterprise Institute
"Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business." (more)

Iran's government is in a 'relentless collapse' (2002)
Jul. 11, 2002
Michael Ledeen
"These events [student demonstrations] seem to confirm that Iran has turned yet another corner in the relentless collapse of the mullahcracy."

Evil actions to achieve worthy objectives
Mar. 07, 2005
Michael Ledeen
"Just as it is sometimes necessary temporarily to resort to evil actions to achieve worthy objectives, so a period of dictatorship is sometimes the only hope for freedom.”   (more)

  White House's Roving Eye for Politics
President's Most Powerful Adviser May Also Be the Most Connected
By Thomas B. Edsall and Dana Milbank
Washington Post, Monday, March 10, 2003; Page A01

Though he is Bush's top political aide, Rove also has a seat at daily White House policy meetings, and his network of advisers includes those who talk to him about terrorism and foreign policy.

One is Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute, whose specialties include terrorism and the Middle East. His latest book, according to the official summary, asserts that "America must topple the regimes of the terror masters to eliminate the threat of terrorism."
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:24 GMT