Claim that Iraq linked to 9-11

Sep. 14, 2003
DIck Cheney
"If we're successful in Iraq ... we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who have had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11." (more)

  January 10, 2003. Vice President Discusses Growth and Jobs Package
As the President has said, "Iraq could decide on any given day to provide biological or chemical weapons to a terrorist group, or individual terrorists" -- which is why the war on terror will not be won until Iraq is completely and verifiably deprived of weapons of mass destruction"
  September 6, 2002.  Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
Q Ari, two quick questions. One, just to follow, when the President goes to the U.N. next week, I am sure he must have seen those ads, the U.S. dues to the U.N., is the taking the check with him? And, two, over 1,400 people have filed in New York a case against Saddam Hussein and Iraq, and they are alleging that he's behind 9/11. And if that is going to help President Bush when he makes his case, and whether he's requesting or asking the United Nations members to join with him in attacking or going after Saddam Hussein?

MR. FLEISCHER: Again, on any type of legal situation, a lawsuit, I'm not going to comment about anything on that. And the President will give that speech next week, and you'll be able to hear it, and I'm sure you will. It will be an important address.
  November 1, 2002. Remarks by the President in Pennsylvania Welcome
the United States will lead a mighty coalition of freedom-loving nations and disarm Saddam Hussein. (Applause.)

See, I can't imagine what was going through the mind of this enemy when they hit us. They probably thought the national religion was materialism, that we were so selfish and so self-absorbed that after 9/11/2001 this mighty nation would take a couple of steps back and file a lawsuit.
  November 4, 2002. Remarks by the President in Texas Welcome
It is Saddam Hussein's choice to make. He's told the world he would not have weapons of mass destruction, and in the name of peace, we expect him to honor that commitment. Should he choose not to honor the commitment, the U.N. is incapable of acting, the United States in the name of peace, in the name of freedom, will lead a coalition and disarm Saddam Hussein. (Applause.)

I say, "in the name of peace," because that's what's going to happen, in my judgment. See, out of the evil done to America is going to come some good. I don't know what got into the minds of the terrorists when they hit us, I guess they assumed our national religion was materialism, that we were so selfish, self-absorbed that after 9/11/2001 we might take a step back and file a lawsuit or two.
  February 8, 2003, President's Radio Address
One of the greatest dangers we face is that weapons of mass destruction might be passed to terrorists who would not hesitate to use those weapons. Saddam Hussein has longstanding, direct and continuing ties to terrorist networks. Senior members of Iraqi intelligence and al Qaeda have met at least eight times since the early 1990s. Iraq has sent bomb-making and document forgery experts to work with al Qaeda. Iraq has also provided al Qaeda with chemical and biological weapons training. And an al Qaeda operative was sent to Iraq several times in the late 1990s for help in acquiring poisons and gases.

We also know that Iraq is harboring a terrorist network headed by a senior al Qaeda terrorist planner. This network runs a poison and explosive training camp in northeast Iraq, and many of its leaders are known to be in Baghdad.

neocons: 911-Iraq
  VICE PRES. CHENEY: Well, what we now have that's developed since you and I last talked, Tim, of course, was that report that--it's been pretty well confirmed that he did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia last April, several months before the attack. Now, what the purpose of that was, what transpired between them, we simply don't know at this point, but that's clearly an avenue that we want to pursue.

And this from James Woolsey, former CIA director: "We know that at Salman Pak, on the southern edge of Baghdad, five different eyewitnesses--three Iraqi defectors and two American U.N. Inspectors--have said--and now there are aerial photographs to show it--a Boeing 707 that was used for training of hijackers, including non-Iraqi hijackers trained very secretly to take over airplanes with knives."
Bush: Saddam Aids al-Qaida
Jan. 9, 2003
"Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al-Qaida." (more)
Bush: Taking Necessary Action Aganist Terrorism
Mar. 18, 2003
G.W. Bush
Bush said that his use of the Congressional authorization to wage war against Iraq is consistent with the international effort against terrorism, "including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001." (more)
  US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice - September 2003:
"Saddam was a danger in the region where the 9/11 threat emerged."

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - November 2002:
"Within a week, or a month, Saddam could give his WMD to al-Qaeda."

Bush (Jan. 28, 2003): Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al Qaeda. Secretly, and without fingerprints, he could provide one of his hidden weapons to terrorists, or help them develop their own.
Before September the 11th, many in the world believed that Saddam Hussein could be contained. But chemical agents, lethal viruses and shadowy terrorist networks are not easily contained. Imagine those 19 hijackers with other weapons and other plans -- this time armed by Saddam Hussein. It would take one vial, one canister, one crate slipped into this country to bring a day of horror like none we have ever known. We will do everything in our power to make sure that that day never comes.
State of the Union Address
  June 17, 2004,
THE PRESIDENT: The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda, because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda. This administration never said that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated between Saddam and al Qaeda. We did say there were numerous contacts between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. For example, Iraqi intelligence officers met with bin Laden, the head of al Qaeda, in the Sudan. There's numerous contacts between the two.
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:26 GMT