Plame, Wilson, Rove, Libby, reporters

  Valerie Plame Wilson
• was an under-cover CIA agent until Novak blew her cover in retaliation for her husband's accurate story debunking a White House claim of Uranium for Iraq.
• It appears this is one of Karl Rove's dirty tricks.,N
  Chalabi gets the most credit for selling us the Iraq war. He sold fabricated WMD stories to CBS 60 Minutes, The New York Times, the Associated Press, all the neocons, the White House, and many in Congress. But the pinnacle of his success was getting his fake bio-weapons stories [Winnebagoes of Death] into the CIA’s National Intelligence Estimate used by Congress to vote on the war, and into Powell’s speech to the UN. Later after, we installed him in the new Iraq government he was found passing top secret information to the Iranians.

Scott Ritter
Former weapons inspector, boat rocker, patriot, Ritter's view of the weapons question did not match the White House line.
"As an American citizen, I have an obligation to speak out when I feel my government is acting in a manner, which is inconsistent with the — with the principles of our founding fathers," said Ritter. "It's the most patriotic thing I can do."  
Joseph C. Wilson IV, Retired diplomat; husband of Valerie Plame
Went to Africa at the request of the CIA.  
• Found no evidence of sales of uranium to Iraq and said so.
Joseph C. Wilson  IV
Retired diplomat  •husband of Valerie Plame, who went to Africa at the request of the CIA.
Robert Novak
The reporter who outed  Valerie Plame
Richard Cheney, Vice President.
Brought in the Neocons.
• Opposed Powell's pick for Defense Sec. and proposed Rumsfeld (C.S. Monitor).
• Championed Wolfowitz.
• Picked Libby as his Chief of staff.
• Picked Wurmser as his Advisor on Middle Eastern Affairs.

Connections to Neocons:
1969-71, Office of Econ. Opportunity, assistant to Rumsfeld.
1974-75, White House, Deputy Chief of Staff under Rumsfeld.
1989-93, DOD with Wolfowitz, Libby. (Sec. of Defense)
1996-00, JINSA (Advisory Board Member) with
           Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle, Bolton
1997-??, PNAC (signer of "Principles") with
           Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Abrams, Bolton, Libby.

Lewis Libby, Chief of Staff to Vice President Cheney
• Told two reporters that covert CIA agent Valerie Plame worked for the CIA.

• Apparently part of a White-House-based plan of retribution/intimidation.
(This was aimed at her husband, Joseph Wilson, who accurately reported Niger had not sold uranium to Saddam. When the White house ignored his report, he went public.)
• Co-wrote with Wolfowitz a draft Defense Policy Guidance which argued for unilateral and pre-emptive wars. This paved the way for Iraq war.

Connection to Other Neocons
1989-00, DOD under Wolfowitz, under Cheney.
1997---, PNAC with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Abrams.

Karl Rove
Rove's activities in the past have often included dirty tricks and invented rumors.
Matthew Cooper
Reporter for Time Magazine who talked to Rove and wrote about Plame.
Judith Miller
New York Times reporter who did not write about her conversations with Libby.
Patrick J. Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald is the prosecuter of the leak investigation.
Karl Rove's dirty trick techniques exposed.
23 White House Officials Involved in the Plame Leak
From Karl Rove down to assistants to assistants and up to the Cheney and Bush -- everyone talked about it, but "no one" is responsible.
another summary of the cast
The Washington Post summary of the cast of characters
Rocco Martino
Italy's chief of military intelligence Thursday named Rocco Martino, an "occasional spy," as the source of the forged documents that said Saddam Hussein was trying to buy uranium from Niger. Mr. Martino has "long been suspected" of being the person responsible for "peddling" the documents. Rocco Martino was "a former intelligence agency informer who had been kicked out of the agency." Gen. Pollari did not name Martino as the forger.
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:24 GMT