Timeline of Valerie Plame / Novak-Libby-Rove Case

  • October 2001 the C.I.A. produced intelligence documents in October 2001
and February 2002 describing reports by "a foreign government service" that Niger planned to send several tons of uranium to Iraq, but cautioned that the information was uncorroborated.  

• February 12, 2002 Defense Intelligence Agency issues a report repeating the details in the C.I.A. report, but its assessment "did not include any judgments about the credibility of the reporting," the Senate report said.

• March 2002 Wilson is sent to Nigeria

• August 2002 Formation of WHIG, the White House Iraq Group, intended to sell the war to the American people -- 7 months before war was officially considered.

• September 2002 The Office of Special Plans that existed from September, 2002, to June, 2003, was a Pentagon unit created by Donald Rumsfeld, led by Douglas Feith, and delt with intelligence on Iraq - the invention and shaping thereof.

• January 2003 Bush speaks the notorious 16 words in his state of the union message

• March 7, 2003 IAEA recognizes the documents as forgeries

• July 6 2003 Wilson goes public with what he didn't find in Niger

•        Forged documents are delivered by the Italians to the CIA

• July 14, 2003 Novak exposes Valerie Plame Wilson
Oct. 7, 2002  Bush: Iraq Possesses and Produces Chemical Weapons
"The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas." - more
Jun. 5, 2003 
WSJ:  Last fall, the CIA said Iraq was working on obtaining nuclear weapons -- a finding Bush began trumpeting. But one important fact was kept secret: "Whole agencies ... were in disagreement" ..., says Greg Thielmann, a  State Department official responsible for Iraq until retiring last fall. - more
Jul. 14, 2003 Valerie Plame, Exposed by Neocon Robert Novak
Robert Novak wrote: "Wilson never worked for the CIA, but his wife, Valerie Plame, is an Agency operative on weapons of mass destruction. Two senior administration officials told me Wilson's wife suggested sending him to Niger to investigate the Italian report. ... 'I will not answer any question about my wife,' Wilson told me."
Sep. 30, 2003 Press Briefing
THE PRESIDENT: Yes. Let me just say something about leaks in Washington. There are too many leaks of classified information in Washington. There's leaks at the executive branch; there's leaks in the legislative branch. There's just too many leaks. And if there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. And if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of.
Jul. 11, 2005 Rove's Lawyer says he didn't do it.
Rove mentioned "Wilson's wife ... who works at the agency" to Matthew Cooper, but did not give her name, his lawyer says.
Jul. 18, 2005 Press Briefing: The leak punishment standards change
"There is a process for finding leaks.  We are following the process...."

Question: "(H)e (the President) said if someone is found to have committed a crime, they would no longer work in this administration... Why is that added now?
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:24 GMT