Iran Election and Democracy Movement
  Iranian Election Fraud Was Likely Meant to Be Obvious
June 17, 2009.  The point was to demoralize, not just to steal the election. Read the best story so far: CS Monitor. And now Timesonline. And, on the far left, note that Hugo Chávez was the first to congratulate Ahmadinejad. Detailed analysis.
Neda Soltani, Symbol of Iran's Democracy Movement
June 22, 2009.  Shot to death by the Iranian government after getting out of a car trapped by the demonstration in Tehran. She has become the dictatorship's most feared symbol of Iran's Democracy Movement. processions on the 40th day of mourning for fallen protesters became landmarks that created the momentum to topple the shah's regime.
The authorities only agreed to release her body on condition that her family agreed to a quick burial on Sunday in the sprawling Behesht-e Zahra cemetery on the outskirts of Tehran. A memorial service planned for the Nilufar mosque in the capital's ­Abbasabad neighbourhood was called off after officials expressly forbade it. All other mosques in the Tehran area have been warned against holding services in her memory.  Full story. more
  A Note to the Champions of Iranian Democracy
June 20, 2009  Mousavi called off Saturday's demonstration with good reason. Violence keeps away most who wish to protest and helps Khamanei. Mix a mass demonstration with rush-hour crowds. No one can tell who's who. The effect is amplified, by the normal crowds and traffic. Blend in; do not wear green, and obey the laws. Inevitably traffic will stop and news will be made. This makes it impossible for the Basij thugs to know who to attack. If they attack non-protesters, opinion will turn against them even more.
Tactics such as this—and there must be many others—make it possible to sustain a longer struggle and expose the regime's thuggery more clearly. Minimize casualties. Without weapons, more time and greater numbers are essential.
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:19 GMT