Energy Puzzles
  5/28/09 Puzzler: Since 1900, how much have humans caused the sea level to rise? One inch? 10 inches? 100 inches?          Answer: mouse over
  How Much Have Humans Caused the Sea to Rise?
May 29, 2009.  The UN's 2007 report tells us that before 1993 the sea level was rising 1.8mm per year (less than 1/10 inch), but from 1993 on it has been rising at 3.1mm per year. But they say they are not sure if the difference is a normal variation or part of a long-term trend. A long-term trend would likely mean humans.
The increased rate is 1.3mm per year, and it's been going for 16 years now, so that's a total of 1.3 x 16 = 20.8mm, which is a little less than 1 inch (25.4mm).
In detail, on page 30, the IPCC's Climate Change 2007 Synthesis Report says: "Increases in sea level are consistent with warming (Figure 1.1). [I.e., the measured increase does not argue against warming.] Global average sea level rose at an average rate of 1.8 [1.3 to 2.3]mm per year over 1961 to 2003 and at an average rate of about 3.1 [2.4 to 3.8]mm per year from 1993 to 2003. Whether this faster rate for 1993 to 2003 reflects [normal] decadal variation or an increase in the longerterm longerterm trend [likely due to humans] is unclear. [my comments in brackets.]
But I have measured the UN's graphs, and it looks like humans could have caused as much as 3 inches of sea level increase. The UN detects no human warming before 1950, so I drew a straight line through the sea level graph from 1870 through 1950 and found where we would have been in 2009. We are actually about 3 inches above that straight-line projection. Because the sea level graph tilts upward too suddenly in 1950, this looks to me like it's an over-estimate and the UN does not suggest such a high value. So I would say 3 inches is an upper limit, and the true answer is quite likely at least an inch less.
  The Waxman Carbon Cap will cap gasoline carbon and other carbon. So coal mines and refineries cannot sell more carbon than the cap. But since they want to sell more, they will sell the most they can -- the capped amount. If they sell more to the guy with the Hummer, that will make them cut back on what they sell to someone else. But the total amount of carbon they sell will still equal the cap.
   So driving a Hummer will not change total carbon emissions -- it will just cause someone else to use less carbon. The hummer driver causes no more global warming than the bicyclist.

  5/26/09 Puzzler: In 2012, with carbon capped, two guys commute 10 miles to work, one in his Hummer. The other bikes his drive. Which causes more global warming? Answer: Neither. Riding a bike just frees up carbon permits so others, like the Hummer driver, use more gas. Biking saves no carbon under a cap. More
  EPA Sea Level Rise  
poppy-s | 01/18/12 07:20 GMT