zPoll - Request restoration of administrative privileges

Your administrative ID is normally kept as a cookie in your browser. If you change to a different computer and/or browser, you need to restore your administrative ID.

There are two ways to restore your administrative ID. The first method will work if you entered your email address when you created your poll. If you did not enter your email address, use the alternative method described below.

First method

If you entered your email address when you created your poll, enter either the ID of your poll, or the URL of the page on which your poll appears:


Alternative method

This method for restoring your administrative ID will work in any case. On the same page on which your existing poll appears, add this HTML to create a new poll:

<div class="zPoll" myPoll_id="new_ID"><div>

where "new_ID" is a unique name for the new poll.

Open this page in your browser, and refresh once more.

That's it! You can then delete the HTML for the new poll if you want.