Corona-19 v. the Flu: Lethality

Corona-19 v. the Flu: Lethality

Jan 3, 2021 —

“A coronavirus is a type of cold” proclaimed SpaceX chief, Elon Musk when he came down with a mild case of COVID-19. Not exactly. Some colds are caused by other coronaviruses,

Nina Turner v. the Democrats

Nina Turner v. the Democrats

Dec 20, 2020—

You can feel it. Something has gone terribly wrong.

If only a half percent of voters in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin had voted for Trump rather than Biden, Trump would be president

Leadership in Defense of Democracy

Leadership in Defense of Democracy

It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

—Abraham Lincoln,

Biden vs Trump latest polls

Biden vs Trump: Latest Polls

Biden vs Trump latest polls

Biden vs Trump: Latest Polls

Forecast, Wed., Oct 28, Biden’s chance of winning is now 88%, up 21 points from a low on Aug 31. That’s according to Nate Silver’s graph of Biden vs Trump chance-of-winning. This is not the

DiAngelo White Fragility

A Black View of “White Fragility”

DiAngelo White Fragility

A Black View of "White Fragility"

Sept 19, 2020—

Finally! Someone brilliant took apart Robin DiAngelo and her arrogant White Fragility book.  John McWhorter has written an absolutely brilliant review of it for the Atlantic. You can read a summary


BLM and the L.A. Sheriffs’ Ambush


BLM and the L.A. Sheriffs’ Ambush

Sept 18, 2020—

“Let me be real clear. I pray for the lives of those two officers just like I pray for Jacob Blake,” Al Sharpton told MSNBC two days after the Sept. 12

Defund the Police and Loot it All Back -- Banners at BLM Demonstration, Chicago, Aug 15

How Biden Blasted Back

Defund the Police and Loot it All Back -- Banners at BLM Demonstration, Chicago, Aug 15

How Biden Blasted Back

Rioting… Looting… Setting fires… None of this is protesting. It’s lawlessness, plain and simple. And those who do it should be prosecuted. Violence will not bring change, it will only bring destruction. It’s wrong in every

Kamala Harris for Vice President

Five Reasons to Cheer Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris for Vice President

Five Reasons to Cheer Kamala Harris

Kamala Devi Harris, named after the Hindu goddess Lakshmi (aka Kamala), was brought up by her Indian mother. Both her parents were immigrants who came here to earn their PhDs at UC Berkeley. Her

Trump ad using Cory Booker to attack Biden

Trump Uses Booker Against Biden

Trump ad using Cory Booker to attack Biden

Cory Booker and the Crime Bill Myth

Most Democrats now believe something like this: The White Democratic establishment put millions of Blacks behind bars so they could win some racist White votes. They were the architects of mass incarceration. Senator

Cory Booker attack on Joe Biden's crime bill

How Cory Booker Helped Trump

Cory Booker attack on Joe Biden's crime bill

How Cory Booker Helped Trump

Trump Is Hijacking Your Crime Bill Concerns

Dear Senator Booker,

As we mourn the death of John Lewis and find ourselves outraged by racist crimes against the Black community, your call to unite on common